> Vue component for draggable and resize element
Vue component for draggable and resize element
预览 Preview
安装 Install
npm i vue-drag-component -S
基本用法 Basic
import vueDragComponent from 'vue-drag-component'
import 'vue-drag-component/dist/vueDragComponent.css'
Vue.component('vue-drag-component', vueDragComponent)
<vue-drag-component :parent="true" :active.sync="active">
<div class="box"></div>
<div id="basic-warp">
<div class="right-box">
<vue-drag-component :parent="true" :active.sync="active">
<div class="box"></div>
export default {
data() {
return {
active: false
<style lang="scss">
#basic-warp {
height: 100%;
display: flex;
.box {
width: 100%;
min-width: 200px;
min-height: 200px;
height: 100%;
border: 1px dashed #333;
属性 Props
名称 name | 类型 type | 描述 describe | 值 value
---- | ----- | ------ | ----
z | Number | 元素的z-index | 0
left | Number | 元素初始Left | 0
top | Number | 元素初始Top | 0
active | Boolean | 激活状态 active state | false
grid | Array | 网格模式 Grid mode | [0, 0]
parent | Boolean | 是否以父元素为参照目标,否则为document | false
resizable | Boolean | 是否启用缩放功能 Whether to enable the zoom function | true
resizeInstance | Boolean | 是否计算缩放按钮值 Whether to calculate the zoom button value | false
minWidth | Number | 最小宽度 min width | 0
minHeight | Number | 最小高度 min Height | 0
maxHeight | Number | 最大高度 max height | 0
maxWidth | Number | 最大宽度 max width | 0
moveEmitDelay | Number | 元素移动事件的节流阈值 Throttle threshold for element movement events | 0
resizeEmitDelay | Number | 元素缩放事件的节流阈值 Throttle threshold for element zoom event | 0
draggable | Boolean | 是否启用拖拽 Whether to enable drag and drop | true
initWidth | Number | 初始宽度 init width | 0
initHeight | Number | 初始高度 init height | 0
dragHandle | String | 允许触发拖拽的元素类名 The class name of the element that is allowed to trigger the drag | ''
dragFilter | String | 不允许出发拖拽的元素类名 The class name of the element that is not allowed to start dragging | ''
disableUserSelect | Boolean | 是否允许用户选择内容 Whether to allow users to select content | false
componentData | Object | 绑定的数据值,会通过move,resize等事件给回传过来 The bound data value will be passed back through events such as move and resize | {}
helpLine | Boolean | 辅助线 help line | false
lineClass | String | 辅助线的类名 line class name | ''
handles | Array | ['tl', 'tm', 'tr', 'ml', 'mr', 'bl', 'bm', 'br'] | [all]
axis | String | 允许操作方向 Allow operation direction value: x,y,xy | 'xy',
draggingClass | String | 拖动时的class Class when dragging | ''
resizingClass | String | 缩放时的class Class when zooming | ''
resizeClass | String | 缩放控件的class Zoom control class | ''