A CLI tool that converts Vue 2 vue-property-decorator classes to Composition API / setup-API.
Vue 2 vue-property-decorator to Vue 2/3 setup-api converter :rocket:
This Node.js-based tool is designed to automate the transformation of your Vue 2 scripts written with vue-property-decorator into Vue 3's Composition API format, also available for vue 2.7.
This script helps developers transition from Vue 2 to Vue 3 by transforming their scripts written with the vue-property-decorator into the Composition API format, using
- Node.js installed on your machine. If not, you can download it from Node.js Official Website.
- Terminal window.
How To Use
Following these simple steps to convert your Vue 2 scripts:
npm install -g vue-declassify-to-setup
vue-convert --help
Convert a directory:
vue-convert -p "./src/components/"
Convert a file:
vue-convert -p "./filename.vue"
This script is capable of converting a range of Vue and vue-property-decorator features, including:
- Const
- Objects
- Arrays
- Methods
- Computed / Get
- $refs
- @Watch
- @Emit
- @Vmodel
- @Prop
- @PropSync
- Interfaces
- Imports
- $vuetify, $slot, $set, $delete, $forceUpdate, $router, $route, $nextTick
- And more...
Run help for more options:
vue-convert --help
--help Show help
--version Show version number
-p, --path The path to the file or directory to convert
-d, --destination Specify the path to the destination directory.
Defaults to the current path.
-v, --vue Set the Vue target version. By default, it is set to
2. Use 3 to convert to Vue 3. The difference is
related to v-model.
-n, --no-comment Disable the inclusion of informative comments within
the JavaScript code for importing the modelWrapper.
-r, --required Set all the properties as required
More example:
vue-convert --path . --destination "./exportfolder" --vue 3 -n
Please note that this script is designed to work with a tab size of 2. If your editor uses a different tab size, adjust it accordingly before running the converter.
This version only supports double-quoted strings. Make sure the code is set up with double-quoted strings before running the converter.
"The provided script is to be used at your own risk. It was specifically designed and tested for a specific project in a particular environment, and may require manual adjustments when applied in different contexts. In this version, the "@Components" decorator is not converted as it's often unnecessary. Auto-linting is anticipated."
While this project focuses on achieving up to 95% conversion for a specific project, it might not address all decorator scenarios, making it potentially incomplete for certain requirements. Your understanding is appreciated.
Known issues
If you write comments just before the tag, the system won't understand. It needs to see an end-bracket (}) right before the tag, not a comment.
The script does not like comments after ; on one line.
Your feedback and contributions are welcome! If you encounter any issues, have suggestions or improvements, feel free to share. I appreciate your support in making this tool more efficient and versatile.
Happy coding! :smile: