A Vue component library and bindings for dc, the charting javascript library.
A custom built binding for dc in vue. Comes with built in Vue component charts as well as bindings for dc
and crossfilter
for you to customize and create your own charts as necessary.
Check out the DEMO PAGE or follow the api reference links below.
npm install --save vue-dcjs
import { VueDc } from 'vue-dcjs'
Vue.use option
| Name | Type | Default | Description |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| registerComponents | boolean | true | Automatically register all vue-dcjs charts with Vue.component(everything). Charts will be kebab-case as shown below in the components list. |
| defaultColors | string[] | d3.schemeCategory20c | this sets dc's defaultColors for ordinal charts |
| useWindowResize | boolean | true | add an event listener to the window which watches for resize events. when the window is resized: re-render all the charts to resize them automatically. |
| resizeTimeout | number | 100 | to avoid re-rendering too much, there is a timeout on the resize handler. how long should the wait be. too short may re-render too much. too long may feel delayed |
| useResetListener | boolean | true | automatically attach a dom element(s) using resetSelector
. the button will only be visible when the connected chart has filters. the button is clickable and will clear all filters on the chart. |
| resetSelector | (chart) => element(s) | chart => document.querySelector(chart.anchor()).closest('.example-container').querySelectorAll('.example-reset-button')
| define how we retrieve the reset button to connect our chart to. This should be the result of querySelector
or querySelectorAll
anywhere in vue instance
dc instance with added AxisChartthis.$d3
d3 instancethis.$crossfilter
crossfilter2 instance use this to makendx
prop on charts
available components
Project setup
npm ci
Compiles and hot-reloads for development
npm run serve
npm run dev
how to build npm bundle
- bump npm package version in package.json
npm run bundle
- commit your changes
npm npm publish
how to build demo for github pages
- commit changes
npm run publish-pages
how to build both demo and github pages
- commit all changes before building
- bump the package version (you can probably just commit that with the build that you're gonna do next)
npm run build-all
- commit the build with a meaningful message
npm run publish-all
boom, you're done
- if you're feeling really brave
npm run release-all --message "Your commit message"