Synchronize your datatable filter, ordering and options with the query params. In Vue2 and Vue3 with the composition api !
Synchronize your datatable filter, ordering and options with the query params. In Vue2 and Vue3 with the composition api !
Goal and explanation
Have you ever as an user filtered or navigated in a datable, open an item of the datable, go back to the datable and see you loose all your filter and pagination and have to rewrite them again ? If yes was it frustrating ? If yes then this lib is here to help your user never feel that again. Even if you reload the page or share the link with others user.
Now there is already some other lib even in pure Vanilla to sync the query parameters with a javascript object. But you have to rewrite all the logic with the datatable options (page, pageSize, ordering) and even compare the difference between two state.
By separating the filters and the datable options vue-datatable-url-sync automatise all the desired behavior for working with datatable.
Example of usage with a vuetify datatable (It can work with any datatable):
npm install vue-datatable-url-sync
For full example see this file for vue 3
For full example see this file for vue 2
1 - Import the lib
import useDatatableUrlSync from 'vue-datatable-url-sync';
2 - Define your setup function and the data you use for your datatable
setup (props, ctx) {
const form = ref({
search: ""
const options = ref({
page: 1,
page_size: 10,
ordering: []
const items = ref<any>([])
3 - Define the function called each time the url query change (in the setup fucntion)
const fetchDatas = (queryParams, queryAsObject) => {
console.log(queryParams, queryAsObject)
4 - Use it
// Vue 3
useDatatableUrlSync(useRoute(), useRouter(), form, fetchDatas, options)
// Vue 2
useDatatableUrlSync(ctx.root.$route, ctx.root.$router, form, fetchDatas, options)
5 Return your data to use it in the datatable
return {
useDatatableUrlSync params
function useDatatableUrlSync(route: any, router: any, form: GenericDictionnary, fetchDatas: Function, options: GenericDictionnary, formSchema?: VDUSFormSchema, initializeForm?: Function, configurations?: VDUSConfiguration)
| Params | Description | | --------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------- | | route | The route element from vue router. As it differe from Vue2 and Vue3 we can't import it automatically and need to have the instance in parameter | | router | The route instance from vue router. As it differe from Vue2 and Vue3 we can't import it automatically and need to have the instance in parameter | | form | A simple object used to filter the form. This object is synchronized with the url. When it change it reset the page attribute of the options variable | | fetchDatas | Callback function called when options or form changed or after a reload with the correct parameter to send to the backend for backend pagination or custom actions. This function take 2 parameter: queryParams, queryAsObject that are the data transformed by VDUS to match your backend criteria in string or object format. | | options | The options used for the datatable. It follow a strict pattern. See VDUSDatatableOptions type for more informations. If your server use other query identifier use formSchema to change their name before fetchDatas been called | | formSchema | Optional. The object that allow you to customize the defaut value, the type and the names send to the backend. See VDUSFormSchema type for the structure and the documentation section to understand how to use it | | initializeForm | Optional. A callback function called at the component creation to allow developer to adapt behavior depending of the query params in the url if needed. Usefull if to value are non-compatible because user change it manually. | | configurations | Optional. Object that allow to personnalise the behavior of VDUS in specific case. See VDUSConfiguration type and the documentation section to understand how to use it |
useDatatableUrlSync returned values
| Key name | Description | | --------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------- | | loading | Boolean value to be able to wait in the template that the data is correctly setted from the url and the data retrieve or filtered in fetchDatas especially if your fetchDatas is asynchronous | | vuetifyOptions | The datatable options on the vuetify format to be able to use it directly in the template without the need to transform it |
Configurations object allow you to personnalize the behavior of vue-datatable-url-sync. All the configurations are optionals
| Key name | Default | Description | | --------- | ------------ | ----------------------------------------------------------------- | | prefix | "" | Prefix all the params by a string only in the url to allow you have multiple instance of VDUS in the same html page | | debounceTime | 0 | Allow you to specify a debounce time before sending request to your server. This is usefull when you have only text field but can bring lag feeling when using checkbox or select. You can also use debounce directly in your component to personalize this behavior | | serveurDefaultPageSize | 10 | The default value for you backend pagination to be sure to send it if the default value in front is different that the one in your back | | extraQueryParams | {} | Put variable in the url and send them to your back even if not in your form | | updateFormFunction | null | Use a custom function to update form instead of direct assignation. Usefull when form is a props and you want to emit an event because form is not mutable. |
The parameter formSchema allow you to adapt the default behavior of vue-datatable-url-sync for each parameter (for the form AND for the options). With it you can specify the type of the params, the default value and the query param name to send to the server.
See the type to understand better
Here is the description of the type for the configuration of each params (ParamSchema)
| Key name | Description | | --------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------- | | name | The name to send to the backend server | | default | The default value. It prevent default value to show in the url | | type | The type of the params to cast it correctly into your form or your options |
VDUS Types
| Type name | Description | | ----------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------- | | GenericDictionnary | Generic object that accept any key and any value | | VDUSParamSchema | Object describing how to handle query param when reading them from url or before sending them to the backend server | | VDUSFormSchema | Object describing how to handle the form and options object passed as parameter of useDatatableUrlSync | | VDUSDatatableOptions | Object describing the params accepted in the datatable options | | VDUSConfiguration | Configuration object for vue datatable url sync |
Local dev
You can use vue3-example to test local dev. You just have to go to vue3-example/src/components/HelloWorld.vue and uncomment the relative import of VDUS.
Do not forget to launch npm install
in both root directory AND vue3-example directory