A plugin for Vue to make creating 3D websites easier.
This plug-in is intended to streamline 3D Vue.js projects by creating and manipulating one renderer increasing speeds. It also has a full module system for Three.js which it uses to render scenes.
Install to your Vue project
npm i vue-cubed
Initiate at the start of your project
(in main.js)
import VueCubed from 'vue-cubed'
How to use
Vue-cubed uses a custom component called "VueScene" it can be added to any template like so.
This creates an empty canvas element within the rendered scene and assigns it to the component its in, inheriting any style property.
Vue-cubed creates global variables, this is done to prevent multiple renderers being created and destroyed which frees up memory.
this.$THREE (gives you acsess to the Three.js modules use it like you would use THREE in normal Three.js applications)
this.$scene (the global scene that will be switched between components)
this.$camera (the global camera)
this.$render() (the global rendering call. Calling it will call this.$renderer.render(this.$scene, this.$camera) you must put this in the component to work)
this.$renderer (the global renderer)
From here on in you can create objects and manipulate the scene as you please.
More info
This npm package uses Three.js please check out some of their examples
Create obj registry for object pooling to reduce scene switching load times.
Create animation manager.