Dead simple two-way Firestore syncing in Vue
Dead simple two-way Firestore syncing in Vue
Works with projects built with Firebase V9 and Vue 2
$ npm install vue-crossfire
import Crossfire from 'vue-crossfire'
const firestoreDoc = new Crossfire(firestoreReference[, options ])
Crossfire( firestoreReference[, options ] )
This returns a live snapshot of the provided Firestore reference, structured identially to a snapshot you would receive from a normal Firestore onSnapshot()
method. Single document data is still accessed with .data(), and query/collection doc data is still accessed at .docs[x].data().
Every instance of document data is binded two way. Mutating the document data will instantly update it in Firestore as well. (Before the initial snapshot of the reference is received, .data() and .docs will be undefined. You can access .loading to see if the initial state has been received yet). Any remote changes to the data in Firestore will instantly update the local object as well.
Once you're done with the documents, call .destroy()
on the instance to stop listening to the document/collection
import crossfire from 'vue-crossfire'
const documentSync = crossfire(doc(db, 'docCollection', 'docID'))
const collectionSync = crossfire(collection(db, 'colletionName'), { readOnly: true })
const querySync = crossfire(query(collection(db, 'colletionName'), where('fieldID', '==', true)))
firestoreReference is a reference to a Firestore V9 document, collection, or query The method will return the data contained at that reference: If reference is a document, it will be the document data Otherwise, it will be an array of document data of the results Before the first state has been downloaded, it will return null
The optional options object can be configured with the following fields:
onError: function (error) - default undefined
Callback for any errors that occur during document writes
readOnly: Boolean - default: false
If true, don't update firestore if the local data is changed
ignoreUnchangedFields: Boolean - default: false
When updating firestore docs, only update the specific fields that were changed in the data. This is slightly more computationally expensive, but is very useful when many users are editing a document at the same time and may overwrite data with their local state before they've received new changes
transformUpdate: function (changedData) - default undefined
Whenever a document is to be updated in firestore, the data to be saved will instead use the result of this function (if it's provided). Useful if you want to attach update metadata to the document (such as "dateModified" or "lastModifiedBy")
<h1>Single Document Syncing</h1>
<div v-if="">
<h2>{{ }}</h2>
<input v-model="" label="Text">
<input type="checkbox" v-model="" label="Active">
<h1>Collection/Query Syncing</h1>
<div v-if="">
<div v-for="doc in" :key="">
<h2>{{ }}</h2>
<input v-model="" label="Text">
<input type="checkbox" v-model="" label="Active">
import { doc } from 'firebase/firestore'
// Pass a firestore reference into crossfire(),
// then simply read/write to the resulting snapshot as any regular object variable
export default {
name: 'VueComponent',
data: function () {
return {
docSync: null,
querySync: null,
created: function () {
this.docSync = crossfire(doc(db, 'someCollection', 'docID'))
this.querySync = crossfire(query(collection(db, 'someCollection'), where('author', '==', 'uuid')))
destroyed: function () {