CodeMirror code editor component for Vue
CodeMirror(6) component for Vue(3).
v5/v6 has been released. This is a new version based on CodeMirror@6 and is available to Vue3 only. Since CodeMirror@6 is developed with native ES Modules, the new version will no longer support direct browser references to UMD modules. In short, the new version is ⚠️ completely NOT compatible with previous versions. If you wish to continue using Vue2 or a lower version of CodeMirror, please refer to the legacy versions below.
This example site contains most of what you want.
Legacy version
- examples (Vue2)
- [email protected] (Vue2 / CodeMirror5)
- CodeMirror6 Guide
- CodeMirror6 APIs
- CodeMirror6 Examples
- CodeMirror6 Example: Writing a Language Package
- CodeMirror6 Example: Styling
- CodeMirror Forum
CodeMirror packages
yarn add codemirror vue-codemirror
npm install codemirror vue-codemirror --save
Depending on your actual needs, you may need to install more CodeMirror packages
# CodeMirror languages...
yarn add @codemirror/lang-html
yarn add @codemirror/lang-json
yarn add @codemirror/lang-javascript
# CodeMirror themes...
yarn add @codemirror/theme-one-dark
# more CodeMirror packages...
If you need import API/interface from codemirror, you need to make codemirror explicitly dependent in your package.json
"dependencies": {
"@codemirror/state": "6.x"
import { EditorState } from '@codemirror/state'
Local component
placeholder="Code goes here..."
:style="{ height: '400px' }"
@change="log('change', $event)"
@focus="log('focus', $event)"
@blur="log('blur', $event)"
import { defineComponent } from 'vue'
import { Codemirror } from 'vue-codemirror'
import { javascript } from '@codemirror/lang-javascript'
import { oneDark } from '@codemirror/theme-one-dark'
export default defineComponent({
components: {
setup() {
const code = ref(`console.log('Hello, world!')`)
const extensions = [javascript(), oneDark]
// Codemirror EditorView instance ref
const view = shallowRef()
const handleReady = (payload) => {
view.value = payload.view
// Status is available at all times via Codemirror EditorView
const getCodemirrorStates = () => {
const state = view.value.state
const ranges = state.selection.ranges
const selected = ranges.reduce((r, range) => r + - range.from, 0)
const cursor = ranges[0].anchor
const length = state.doc.length
const lines = state.doc.lines
// more state info ...
// return ...
return {
log: console.log
Global component
import { createApp } from 'vue'
import { basicSetup } from 'codemirror'
import VueCodemirror from 'vue-codemirror'
const app = createApp()
app.use(VueCodemirror, {
// optional default global options
autofocus: true,
disabled: false,
indentWithTab: true,
tabSize: 2,
placeholder: 'Code goes here...',
extensions: [basicSetup]
// ...
Component Props
| prop | description | type | default |
| :------------ | :------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | :----------------------- | :------ |
| modelValue | The input values accepted by the component also support two-way binding. | String
| ''
| autofocus | Focus editor immediately after mounted. | Boolean
| false
| disabled | Disable input behavior and disable change state. | Boolean
| false
| indentWithTab | Bind keyboard Tab key event. | Boolean
| true
| tabSize | Specify the indent when the Tab key is pressed. | Number
| 2
| placeholder | Display when empty. | String
| ''
| style | The CSS style object that acts on the CodeMirror itself. | Object
| {}
| phrases | Codemirror internationalization phrases. | Object
| {}
| autoDestroy | Auto destroy the CodeMirror instance before the component unmount. | Boolean
| true
| extensions | Passed to CodeMirror EditorState.create({ extensions })
| Extension
| []
| selection | Passed to CodeMirror EditorState.create({ selection })
| EditorSelection
| - |
| root | Passed to CodeMirror new EditorView({ root })
| ShadowRoot \| Document
| - |
Component Events
| event | description | params |
| :------------------ | :------------------------------------------------------ | :------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| update:modelValue
| Only when the CodeMirror content (doc) has changed. | (value: string, viewUpdate: ViewUpdate)
| change | ditto | ditto |
| update | When any state of CodeMirror changes. | (viewUpdate: ViewUpdate)
| focus | When CodeMirror focused. | (viewUpdate: ViewUpdate)
| blur | When CodeMirror blurred. | (viewUpdate: ViewUpdate)
| ready | When edirot component mounted. | (payload: { view: EditorView; state: EditorState; container: HTMLDivElement })
Basic Setup
The basic-setup extension is integrated by default in the vue-codemirror configuration and is intended as a handy helper to quickly set up CodeMirror without having to install and import a lot of standalone packages. If you want to override the default behavior of the config, just pass the empty array when installing the component globally.
app.use(VueCodemirror, {
// keep the global default extensions empty
extensions: []
Detailed changes for each release are documented in the release notes.
Licensed under the MIT License.