A Vue.JS Component for creating Charts in HTML and CSS
A Vue.JS Component for making chart in HTML and CSS
In your terminal / powershell, within your project folder, run the following command :
npm install vue-chartmaker --save
In order to use the library, you must import it in your <script></script>
, in your .vue files:
import ChartMaker from 'vue-chartmaker'
export default {
name: 'YourComponentName',
components: {
data: function() {
return {
params: {
/* Your params ... */
To use it in your template, you can include it like any components :
<chart-maker v-bind:params="params">
<!-- Your code ... -->
Common Params
The component 'ChartMaker' accepts an object as 'params' attribute.
The following properties are common for every charts :
- 'id' (mandatory) : The id of the graph. It will be prefixed by 'vue-chartmaker-chart-'.
- 'title' (optional) : The title of the graph. It will be display in a Bootstrap Jumbotron at the top of the chart.
- 'description' (optional): A little description of the graph. It will be display like a descriptive text at the bottom of the chart.
- 'type' (mandatory) : The type of the graph. At the moment, it could be : 'pie' or 'bar'.
Bar Chart
For 'Bar' charts, a property 'xMax' must also be specified in order to fix a size to the graph.
Here is an example of an object to be pass to 'ChartMaker' component :
const params = {
id: "loading-time",
title: "Loading time",
description: "Loading time of all css files in milliseconds",
type: 'bar',
xMax: 100
In order to add data, we must use <tr>
, <th>
and <td>
within the <chart-maker></chart-maker>
You can find a example below :
<!-- Your code ... -->
<chart-maker v-bind:params="params">
<th scope="row">style.css</th> <!-- Here is the label of the row -->
<td style="--value: 12;"> <!-- Here is the value of the row, which will be use to create the chart -->
<span>12 ms</span> <!-- Here is the value label of the row, which will be diplay to the user -->
<th scope="row">chart.css</th>
<td style="--value: 42;">
<span>42 ms</span>
<!-- Your code ... -->
Pie Chart
For 'Pie' charts, there is no more property to define than the common ones.
Here is the 'params' object :
const params = {
id: "loading-time-pie",
title: "Loading time",
description: "Loading time of all css files in milliseconds",
type: 'pie'
Like bar's charts, we must use tags like <tr>
, <th>
and <td>
Here is an example :
<!-- Your code ... -->
<chart-maker v-bind:params="params">
<tr style="--color: #734BF9"> <!-- YOU must specify the color for the pie -->
<th scope="row">style.css</th> <!-- The data's label -->
<td :style="'--value: 27;'"> <!-- The value IN PERCENT -->
12 ms <!-- The value label to be displayed in the legend -->
<tr style="--color: #E11A81">
<th scope="row">charts.css</th>
<td :style="'--value: 73;'">
42 ms
<!-- Your code ... -->