It's a Vue plugin of toast,support for gloabal & instance custommade,including postion & theme etc...
toast vue
vue-awesome-toast is a vue plugin which based on vue.js and css3. It has a easy approach to config and lots of theme to be choosed .Then just import it into your project which based on Vue.js(Vue 2). It's interesting that supporting multipled toasts diplayed on the same time, neither overspreads each other.
Live Demo
# NPM Download
npm install vue-awesome-toast
* import globally
import Vue from 'vue'
import toast from 'vue-awesome-toast'
Vue.use(vue-awesome-toast, {})
* component config
export default {
data () {
return {
methods: {
* current image click event
clickMethod: function (index) {
this.$toast('hello world')
Basic API
- Global Config
const options = {
position: 'left bottom',
theme: 'success'
vue.use(toast, options)
- Component instance config
const options = {
message: 'hello world'
position: 'right top',
theme: 'waring'
- You must notice
if the same property both exited in global and instance config, the last one config will work, which means that instance config will overwrite the same property which exited in global config. So you can make the common toast config of project globally , and put detail config object which needs to be custommade in instance component.
- detail APIs:
- position [(left || right && top ) || (middle || bottom)] (default: 'right top')
- duration number (default: 2500)
- theme [primary || success || info || warning || danger || inverse || faded] (default: 'info')
advanced APIs
- You can use globalPosition property to overwrite the plugin default position、background、color etc... css properties in global environment
const cssConfig = {
backgroundColor: 'red',
color: '#f3f3f3'
Vue.use(toast, {globalPosition: cssConfig})
- Somewhile you just make one of toasts which looks like better brilliant than others, you can use instancePosition property to do it, as has been said above, it can not only change position, but also bgColor、color ...etc
const cssConfig = {
backgroundColor: 'red',
color: '#f3f3f3'
this.$toast({message: 'hello world'}, {globalPosition: cssConfig})