At.js for Vue
Live Demo & Documentation:
Docs is powered by At-UI.
- [x] Chrome / Firefox / Edge / IE9~IE11
- [x] Plain-text based, no jQuery, no extra nodes
- [x] Content-Editable / Textarea
- [x] Avatars, custom templates
- [x] Vue3 / Vue2 / Vue1
- [x] Vuetify / Element UI / Element Plus
- [x] Vue-CLI migration
- [ ] Vite migration
- [x] CommonJS / UMD Support
See also: react-at
for Vue2, read this one instead.
npm i vue-at@next # for Vue3 (branch vue3)
npm i [email protected] # for Vue2 (branch vue2)
npm i [email protected] # for Vue1 (branch vue1-legacy)
npm i vue1-at # for Vue1 (branch vue1-new)
<at :members="members">
<div :contenteditable="true"></div>
<at-ta :members="members">
import At from 'vue-at' // for content-editable
import AtTa from 'vue-at/dist/vue-at-textarea' // for textarea
export default {
components: { At, AtTa },
data () {
return {
members: ['Roxie Miles', 'grace.carroll', '小浩']
#app .atwho-view { /* more */ }
#app .atwho-ul { /* more */ }
UMD Also Supported
<!-- for Vue2 -->
<script src="//"></script>
<script src="//"></script>
<script src="//"></script>
<!-- ...-->
<!-- for Vue3 -->
<script src="//"></script>
<script src="//"></script>
<script src="//"></script>
<div id="app">
<at v-model:value="html">
<div contenteditable></div>
<textarea v-model="text"></textarea>
components: { At, AtTextarea },
// ...
Using V-Model (Recommended)
With Content-Editable, use <at v-model:value="v">
With Textarea, you can use either <at-ta v-model:value="v">
or <textarea v-model="v">
<at v-model:value="html">
<div :contenteditable="true"></div>
<at-ta v-model:value="text">
<textarea v-model="text"></textarea>
Custom Templates
Custom List
<at :members="members" name-key="name">
<template slot="item" slot-scope="s">
<img :src="s.item.avatar">
<span v-text=""></span>
<div :contenteditable="true"></div>
// ...
members: [{
avatar: '',
name: ''
}, {
avatar: '',
name: '椿木'
#app .atwho-li { /* more */ }
#app .atwho-li img { /* more */ }
#app .atwho-li span { /* more */ }
Custom List with Vue 1.x
There is no "scoped slot" feature in Vue 1.
Use a "normal slot" with data-
attribute instead.
<!-- vue1-at for [email protected] -->
<template slot="item">
<img data-src="item.avatar">
<span data-text=""></span>
Custom Tags
This gives you the option of changing the style of inserted tagged items. It is only supported for ContentEditable version, not Textarea.
<span slot="embeddedItem" slot-scope="s">
<span class="tag"><img :src="s.current.avatar">{{ }}</span>
<!-- with Vue 2.6+ 'v-slot' directive -->
<!-- note at least two '<span>' wrapper are required to work -->
<template v-slot:embeddedItem="s">
<span><span class="tag"><img class="avatar" :src="s.current.avatar">{{ }}</span></span>
Used with 3rd-party libraries
Vuetify v-textarea
<at-ta :members="members">
<!-- slots -->
<v-textarea v-model:value="text"></v-textarea>
Element UI / Element-Plus el-input
<at-ta :members="members">
<!-- slots -->
<el-input v-model="text" type="textarea"></el-input>