Vue plugin for using Azure Active Directory
Vue Adal
Vue Adal is a plugin for Vue.js to help with using Azure Active Directory.
Check the sample folder for a usage example.
yarn add vue-adal
npm install vue-adal
Basic Usage
import Adal from 'vue-adal'
Vue.use(Adal, {
// This config gets passed along to Adal, so all settings available to adal can be used here.
config: {
// 'common' (multi-tenant gateway) or Azure AD Tenant ID
tenant: '<guid>',
// Application ID
clientId: '<guid>',
// Host URI
redirectUri: '<host addr>',
cacheLocation: 'localStorage'
// Set this to true for authentication on startup
requireAuthOnInitialize: true,
// Pass a vue-router object in to add route hooks with authentication and role checking
router: router
important: make sure to set the mode on your router to 'history' so that it doesn't use hashes! This will have implications on the serverside.
new Router({
mode: 'history', // Required for Adal library
... // Rest of router init
Getting user Information
After signing in, get access to the user as follows:
import { AuthenticationContext } from 'vue-adal' // This will be populated with a valid context after initialization
const profile = AuthenticationContext.user.profile
Getting Access to a Resource
After configuring Vue Adal, you'll still need to get a token to a resource.
Important: your Azure application must be configured to allow the oauth2ImplicitFlow in the manifest, like so:
Axios HTTP Client / Interceptor
Vue Adal provides a convenient and automated way to do that with an axios http client, called AxiosAuthHttp. It configures an interceptor the auto-acquires tokens and will retry requests after a 401 and another attempt to get a token.
Here is an example:
import axios from 'axios'
import { default as Adal, AxiosAuthHttp } from 'vue-adal'
install (vue, opts = {}) {
// Configures an axios http client with a interceptor to auto-acquire tokens
vue.prototype.$graphApi = AxiosAuthHttp.createNewClient({
// Required Params
axios: axios,
resourceId: graphApiResource, // Resource id to get a token against
// Optional Params
router: router, // Enables a router hook to auto-acquire a token for the specific resource
baseUrl: graphApiBase, // Base url to configure the client with
onTokenSuccess (http, context, token) { // Token success hook
// When an attempt to retrieve a token is successful, this will get called.
// This enables modification of the client after a successful call.
if (context.user) {
// Setup the client to talk with the Microsoft Graph API
http.defaults.baseURL = `${graphApiBase}/${context.user.profile.tid}`
onTokenFailure (error) { // Token failure hook
// When an attempt to retrieve a token is not successful, this will get called.
Take a look at the sample for more details.
Manually getting a token
If you'd like to get a token yourself, use the acquireToken command on the Authentication context:
import { AuthenticationContext } from 'vue-adal' // This will be populated with a valid context after initialization
AuthenticationContext.acquireToken(resource, (err, token) => {
if (err) {
let errCode = err.split(':')[0]
switch (errCode) {
case 'AADSTS50058': // Need to prompt for user sign in
case 'AADSTS65001': // Token is invalid; grab a new one
case 'AADSTS16000': // No Access
// Need a pop-up forcing a login
const headers = {
'Authorization': `BEARER ${token}`
Route Hooks
If you pass in a router object as an option in Vue Adal, it will configure a global hook before each route allowing for route meta tags around authentication and roles.
To make a route that requires auth, add a meta object to the route with requireAuth set to true:
// Other routes
path: '/secret',
name: 'secret',
component: MySecretComponent,
meta: {
requireAuth: true
To make a route that requires role(s), add a :
// Other routes
path: '/secretRoles',
name: 'secretRoles',
component: MySecretRolesComponent,
meta: {
requireAuth: true
// Much match at least one of these roles
requireRoles: [
Conditionally Show Content Based on Auth Status
Conditionally show content when authenticated:
<div v-if="$adal.isAuthenticated()">You are signed in!</div>
Conditionally show content only when at least one role exists on user:
<div v-if="$adal.checkRoles(['Admin'])">You are an admin!</div>