A package to place orders in VTEX eCommerce
:loudspeaker: Important
This package is still Work in progress. It's API may change until it reaches v1.
:inbox_tray: Installation
npm install vtex-order-placer
Or you can also install it globally to use as a CLI command anywhere:
npm install --global vtex-order-placer
Or you can just run it without installing:
npx vtex-order-placer
:hammer_and_wrench: Configuration file
The runtime configurations are handled by a .vtexrc
file, normally created in your project root dir, or in the current directory if running with npx.
This package uses rc to load config file. It will look for it in this locations.
You can also pass options by setting env variables or passing cli arguments (see rc documentation for more details).
This are the available configuration options with it's default values:
"accountName": "", // REQUIRED. The VTEX account name
"apiKey": "", // REQUIRED. A valid API Key for your account
"apiToken": "", // REQUIRED. A valid API Token for your account
"customerEmail": "", // REQUIRED. The email of the customer for the order. This must be an existing customer with registered addresses
"paymentSystemId": null, // REQUIRED. The payment system ID (Number) that should be used to place the orders
"placedOrdersQuantity": 1, // The amount of orders you want to place
"placedOrdersConcurrency": 1, // The amount of orders that will be placed concurrently
"placeDifferentOrders": false, // Whether or not every order should be different from each other
"salesChannel": 1, // The sales channel where orders will be placed
"seller": "1", // The seller where orders will be placed
"itemsSearchText": "", // Some text to search products that will be used for placing orders
"itemsSearchFilter": [] // Filters to search products that will be used for placing orders.
// Each element of the array must be an object with two properties: `type` and `value`. `type` can be one of the following: `productId`, `skuId`, `referenceId`, `ean`, `categoryTree`, `priceRange`, `clusterId`
"minItemsQuantity": 1, // Min quantity of different SKUs that each order must contain
"maxItemsQuantity": 1, // Max quantity of different SKUs that each order must contain
"interactiveShipping": false // Indicates if the logistic of each item should be selected by user or automatically