Implementation of a VSM-dictionary that uses the Noctua Entity Ontology's (NEO) Solr Web Service to get information about different types of bioentites
is an implementation
of the 'VsmDictionary' parent-class/interface (from the package
), that uses
the Noctua Entity Ontology's (NEO) Solr Web Service
to translate information about different types of bioentites (proteins, genes, RNAs
and complexes) into VSM-specific format.
Run: npm install
Example use
Create a directory test-dir
and inside run npm install vsm-dictionary-neo
Then, create a test.js
file and include this code for example:
const DictionaryNeo = require('vsm-dictionary-neo');
const dict = new DictionaryNeo({log: true});
dict.getEntryMatchesForString('tp53', { page: 1, perPage: 10 },
(err, res) => {
if (err)
console.log(JSON.stringify(err, null, 4));
console.log(JSON.stringify(res, null, 4));
Then, run node test.js
<script src="https://unpkg.com/vsm-dictionary-neo@^1.0.0/dist/vsm-dictionary-neo.min.js"></script>
after which it is accessible as the global variable VsmDictionaryNeo
Run npm test
, which runs the source code tests with Mocha.
If you want to quickly live test NEO's Solr Web Service, go to the
directory and run:
node getEntries.test.js
node getEntryMatchesForString.test.js
'Build' configuration
To use a VsmDictionary in Node.js, one can simply run npm install
and then
use require()
. But it is also convenient to have a version of the code that
can just be loaded via a <script>-tag in the browser.
Therefore, we included webpack.config.js
, which is a Webpack configuration file for
generating such a browser-ready package.
By running npm build
, the built file will appear in a 'dist' subfolder.
You can use it by including:
<script src="../dist/vsm-dictionary-neo.min.js"></script>
in the
header of an HTML file.
Like all VsmDictionary subclass implementations, this package follows the parent class specification. In the next sections we will explain the mapping between the data offered by NEO's Solr Web Service and the corresponding VSM objects. NEO's API is based on Solr.
Note that if we receive an error response from NEO's Solr Web Service (see the
URL requests for getEnties
and getEntryMatchesForString
below) that is not a
JSON string that we can parse, we formulate the error as a JSON object ourselves
in the following format:
status: <number>,
error: <response>
where the response from the server is JSON stringified.
Map NEO to DictInfo VSM object
This specification relates to the function:getDictInfos(options, cb)
If the options.filter.id
is not properly defined
or the http://golr-aux.geneontology.io
dictID is included in the
list of ids used for filtering, getDictInfos
returns a static object
with the following properties:
: 'http://golr-aux.geneontology.io' (will be used as adictID
: 'NEO'name
: 'Noctua Entity Ontology'
Otherwise, an empty result is returned.
Map NEO to Entry VSM object
This specification relates to the function:getEntries(options, cb)
Firstly, if the options.filter.dictID
is properly defined and in the list of
dictIDs the http://golr-aux.geneontology.io
dictID is not included, then
an empty array of entry objects is returned.
If the options.filter.id
is properly defined (with compact URIs -
CURIEs - like
or RNAcentral:URS0000530EBF_9606
) then we use a query like this:
http://golr-aux.geneontology.io/solr/select?fq=document_category:bioentity&q=*:*&fq=(bioentity:"RNAcentral:URS0000530EBF_9606" bioentity:"UniProtKB:P35222")&fl=bioentity,bioentity_label,bioentity_name,synonym_searchable,taxon,taxon_label,type&rows=2&start=0&sort=bioentity%20asc&wt=json
For the above URL, we provide a brief description for each sub-part:
- The first part refers to NEO's Solr select endpoint:
- The second part (fq=document_category:bioentity) refers to the category of
entries we are searching/filtering for
- Note that each bioentity has a type, and all the possible returned types can be clustered to 4 categories: proteins, genes, complexes and RNAs.
- The third part (q=*:*) means that we will perform a query on any field and search for any string
- The fourth part means that we will filter the query to specific entries: those
that have either the bioentity field equal to
or equal toUniProtKB:P35222
. - The fifth part is the fields of interest - i.e. the information related to the entries that we will map to VSM-entry properties (fl=...).
- The sixth part refers to the pagination parameters (
= how many results,start
= where to start)- The values of
depend onoptions.page
options - The
requested can be between 0 and 100 and if it's not in those limits or not properly defined, we set it to the default page size which is 50. - The
(offset, zero-based) has a default value of 0 but ifoptions.page
is properly defined, it is set in the value of(options.page - 1) * rows
- The values of
- The sixth part refers to the sorting of the returned results by
/CURIE (alphabetically from A to Z). - The last part defines the format of the returned data (JSON).
Otherwise, we ask for all CURIEs (by default CURIE/bioentity sorted) with this query that does not filter on the bioentities requested:
When using NEO's Solr API, we get back a JSON object with a response property, whose value is an object with a docs property. The docs's value is an array of objects (the entries). Every entry object has as attributes the fields requested in the query above. We now provide a mapping of the attributes' values to VSM-entry specific properties:
NEO Solr field | Type | Required | VSM entry/match object property | Notes
| String | YES | id
, terms[i].str
| The VSM entry id is the CURIE string
| String | NO | terms[0].str
, str
| String | NO | descr
| Array | NO | terms[i].str
| We map the whole array if present
, taxon_label
| String | NO | z.species
| Example: Homo sapiens; 9606
| String | NO | z.type
| Example types: protein
, transcript
, gene
Note that the above mapping describes what we as developers thought as the most
reasonable. There is though a global option optimap
that you can pass to the
object, which optimizes the above mapping for curator clarity
and use. The default value is true and what changes in the mapping table
above (which is the mapping for optimap: false
actually) is that the VSM's descr
entry/match object property takes the combined value of the taxon_label
, the
, the synonyms/terms (terms[i].str
) and the bioentity_name
(in that
Map Neo to Match VSM object
This specification relates to the function:getEntryMatchesForString(str, options, cb)
Firstly, if the options.filter.dictID
is properly defined and in the list of
dictIDs the http://golr-aux.geneontology.io
dictID is not included, then
an empty array of match objects is returned.
Otherwise, an example of a URL string that is being built and send to NEO's Solr
Web Service when requesting for tp53
, is:
http://golr-aux.geneontology.io/solr/select?fq=document_category:bioentity&q=*:*&fq=(bioentity_label_searchable:tp53* bioentity_name_searchable:tp53* synonym_searchable:tp53* taxon_label_searchable:tp53*)&fl=bioentity,bioentity_label,bioentity_name,synonym_searchable,taxon,taxon_label,type&rows=30&start=0&wt=json
The fields requested are the same as in the getEntries(options, cb)
case as well as the mapping shown in the table above. The only thing that changes
in the above URL compared to the one given for the getEntries
case is that
there is no sorting on the server side and that we try to find tp53
with a wildcard query search (as tp53*
) in 4 fields using OR
, bioentity_name_searchable
, synonym_searchable
and taxon_label_searchable
If the request string str
is comprised of multiple words (separated by space)
we search for each word in the 4 fields previously mentioned and we combine the
search results with AND
logic. Also if a word has any of the following special
characters: + - & | ! ( ) { } [ ] ^ " ~ * ? : /
, we escape them (according to
the standard Solr Query Parser) and put the
resulting word in quotes. For example, if str
= Catenin beta-1 sapiens
the query field option in the above URL query would be:
fq=(bioentity_label_searchable:Catenin* bioentity_name_searchable:Catenin* synonym_searchable:Catenin* taxon_label_searchable:Catenin*) AND
(bioentity_label_searchable:"beta\-1*" bioentity_name_searchable:"beta\-1*" synonym_searchable:"beta\-1*" taxon_label_searchable:"beta\-1*") AND
(bioentity_label_searchable:sapiens* bioentity_name_searchable:sapiens* synonym_searchable:sapiens* taxon_label_searchable:sapiens*)
Searching in all of 4 fields gives the user the flexibility to appropriately
choose the words in the str
that will filter/minimize the returned results.
This project is licensed under the AGPL license - see LICENSE.md.