Helper functions and classes for own VS Code (extensions)
Helper functions and classes for Visual Studio Code extensions.
Table of contents
- Install
- Usage
- Examples
- Functions
- applyFuncFor
- asArray
- asBuffer
- asLocalTime
- asUTC
- buildWorkflow
- cloneObject
- cloneObjectFlat
- compareValues
- compareValuesBy
- createChromeClient
- createCompletedAction
- createDevToolsClient
- createDirectoryIfNeeded
- createGitClient
- createGitClientSync
- createInterval
- createLogger
- createQueue
- createTimeout
- doesMatch
- execFile
- exists
- fastGlob
- fastGlobSync
- filterExtensionNotifications
- forEachAsync
- format
- formatArray
- from
- fromMarkdown
- getExtensionNotifications
- getExtensionRoot
- getPackageFile
- getPackageFileSync
- glob
- globSync
- guid
- invokeAfter
- isBinaryContent
- isBinaryContentSync
- isBlockDevice
- isBlockDeviceSync
- isCharacterDevice
- isCharacterDeviceSync
- isDirectory
- isDirectorySync
- isEmptyString
- isFIFO
- isFIFOSync
- isFile
- isFileSync
- isSocket
- isSocketSync
- isSymbolicLink
- isSymbolicLinkSync
- loadModule
- makeNonDisposable
- normalizeString
- now
- openAndShowTextDocument
- randomBytes
- range
- registerWorkspaceWatcher
- readAll
- repeat
- request
- setExtensionRoot
- size
- sizeSync
- sleep
- startWatch
- tempFile
- tempFileSync
- toArray
- toBooleanSafe
- toEOL
- toStringSafe
- tryClearInterval
- tryClearTimeout
- tryDispose
- tryDisposeAndDelete
- tryCreateGitClient
- tryCreateGitClientSync
- tryRemoveAllListeners
- tryRemoveListener
- using
- usingSync
- utcNow
- uuid
- waitWhile
- withProgress
- Classes
- Constants and variables
- Functions
- Branches
- Support and contribute
- Documentation
Install [↑]
From your project, run the following command:
npm install --save vscode-helpers
Usage [↑]
// plain JavaScript
const vscode_helpers = require('vscode-helpers');
// the TypeScript way
import * as vscode_helpers from 'vscode-helpers';
Examples [↑]
An example of a multi-root workspace ready extension (extension.ts
'use strict';
import * as Path from 'path';
import * as vscode from 'vscode';
import * as vscode_helpers from 'vscode-helpers';
class MyWorkspace extends vscode_helpers.WorkspaceBase {
private _configSrc: vscode_helpers.WorkspaceConfigSource;
// this is important for 'onDidChangeConfiguration' (s. below)
public get configSource() {
return this._configSrc;
public async initialize() {
// initialize your workspace here
this._configSrc = {
section: 'my.extension',
resource: Uri.file( Path.join(this.rootPath,
'.vscode/settings.json') ),
public async onDidChangeConfiguration(e) {
const NEW_CONFIG = vscode.workspace.getConfiguration(
// handle new config here
let workspaceWatcher: vscode_helpers.WorkspaceWatcherContext<MyWorkspace>;
export async function activate(context: vscode.ExtensionContext) {
workspaceWatcher =
vscode_helpers.registerWorkspaceWatcher<MyWorkspace>(context, async (ev, folder) => {
if (ev === vscode_helpers.WorkspaceWatcherEvent.Added) {
const NEW_WORKSPACE = new MyWorkspace(folder);
await NEW_WORKSPACE.initialize();
await workspaceWatcher.reload();
export async function deactivate() {
Functions [↑]
applyFuncFor [↑]
const OBJ = { factor: 1000 };
function myTestFunc(a, b) {
return (a + b) * this.factor;
const APPLIED_FUNC = vscode_helpers.applyFuncFor(
myTestFunc, OBJ
APPLIED_FUNC(5979, 23979); // 29958000
asArray [↑]
const ARR_1 = vscode_helpers.asArray([ 0, 1, null, 3, 4, undefined ]); // [ 0, 1, 3, 4 ]
const ARR_2 = vscode_helpers.asArray([ 0, 1, null, 3, 4, undefined ], false); // [ 0, 1, null, 3, 4, undefined ]
const ARR_3 = vscode_helpers.asArray( 5979 ); // [ 5979 ]
const ARR_4 = vscode_helpers.asArray( null ); // [ ]
asBuffer [↑]
import * as fs from 'fs';
const STREAM = fs.createReadStream('./my-file.txt');
asBuffer( STREAM ).then((data: Buffer) => {
// all data read
}, (err) => {
// error
asLocalTime [↑]
import * as Moment from 'moment';
let utcNow = Moment.utc();
let localNow = vscode_helpers.asLocalTime( utcNow ); // can also be a string
// or Date object
asUTC [↑]
import * as Moment from 'moment';
let localNow = Moment();
let utcNow = vscode_helpers.asUTC( localNow ); // can also be a string
// or Date object
buildWorkflow [↑]
const WORKFLOW = vscode_helpers.buildWorkflow()
.next((prevValue: undefined, context: vscode_helpers.WorkflowActionContext) => {
context.value = 1000;
return 5979;
.next((prevValue: number, context: vscode_helpers.WorkflowActionContext) => {
return prevValue + 23979; // prevValue === 5979
.next((prevValue: number, context: vscode_helpers.WorkflowActionContext) => {
// prevValue === 29958
// context.value === 1000
return '' + (prevValue * context.value);
WORKFLOW.start().then((result: string) => {
// result === '29958000'
}, (err) => {
// this only happens on error
cloneObject [↑]
const CLONED_OBJ = vscode_helpers.cloneObject({
mk: 23979,
tm: 5979,
cloneObjectFlat [↑]
const CLONED_OBJ = vscode_helpers.cloneObjectFlat({
mk: 23979,
tm: function(a) {
return a * (5979 * this.mk);
CLONED_OBJ.mk = 1000;
CLONED_OBJ.tm(2000); // 11.958.000.000 === 2000 * (5979 * 1000)
compareValues [↑]
const VAL_1 = 1;
const VAL_2 = 2;
const SORTED_VALUES = [ VAL_1, VAL_2 ].sort((x, y) => {
return vscode_helpers.compareValues(y, x);
compareValuesBy [↑]
const OBJ_1 = { sortValue: 1 };
const OBJ_2 = { sortValue: 2 };
// SORTED_OBJS[0] === OBJ_2
// SORTED_OBJS[1] === OBJ_1
const SORTED_OBJS = [ OBJ_1, OBJ_2 ].sort((x, y) => {
return vscode_helpers.compareValuesBy(y, x,
i => i.sortValue);
createChromeClient [↑]
const CLIENT = vscode_helpers.createChromeClient({
host: 'localhost',
port: 9222,
const PAGES = await CLIENT.getPages();
for (const P of PAGES) {
createCompletedAction [↑]
import * as fs from 'fs';
function loadMyFileAsync() {
return new Promise<Buffer>(async (resolve, reject) => {
const COMPLETED = vscode_helpers.createCompletedAction(resolve, reject);
fs.readFile('./MyFile.txt', (err: NodeJS.ErrnoException, data: Buffer) => {
COMPLETED(err, data);
createDevToolsClient [↑]
const CLIENT = vscode_helpers.createDevToolsClient({
host: 'localhost',
port: 9222,
const PAGES = await CLIENT.getPages();
for (const P of PAGES) {
createDirectoryIfNeeded [↑]
vscode_helpers.createDirectoryIfNeeded('/dir/to/create').then((hasBeenCreated: boolean) => {
// hasBeenCreated === (false), if directory already exists
}, (err) => {
// error
createGitClient [↑]
try {
const CLIENT = await vscode_helpers.createGitClient();
const STD_OUT: string = (await CLIENT.exec([ '--version' ])).stdOut;
console.log( STD_OUT );
} catch (e) {
// no git client found
createGitClientSync [↑]
try {
const CLIENT = vscode_helpers.createGitClientSync();
CLIENT.execSync([ '--version' ]);
} catch (e) {
// no git client found
createInterval [↑]
const INTERVAL = vscode_helpers.createInterval(() => {
}, 1000);
INTERVAL.dispose(); // same as 'clearInterval'
createLogger [↑]
import * as fs from 'fs';
const LOGGER = vscode_helpers.createLogger((log) => {
fs.appendFileSync('./logFile.txt', log.message + "\r\n", 'utf8');
LOGGER.info('Hello, LOG!');
createQueue [↑]
* (Default) Options:
* {
* autoStart: true,
* concurrency: 1,
* }
const MY_QUEUE = vscode_helpers.createQueue();
vscode_helpers.range(0, 23979).forEach((x) => {
MY_QUEUE.add(async () => {
return await vscode_helpers.invokeAfter(() => {
return x * 5979;
}, 100));
}).then((result: number) => {
// succeeded
console.log( `MY_QUEUE result of '${ x }': ${ result }` );
}).catch((err) => {
// error
createTimeout [↑]
const TIMEOUT = vscode_helpers.createTimeout(() => {
}, 10000);
TIMEOUT.dispose(); // same as 'clearTimeout'
const RESULT = await vscode_helpers.DELETE('https://example.com/api/users/19861222');
doesMatch [↑]
vscode_helpers.doesMatch('my-file.txt', '*.txt'); // (true)
vscode_helpers.doesMatch('my-picture.jpg', [ '*.txt' ]); // (false)
vscode_helpers.doesMatch('my-picture.jpg', [ '*.txt', '*.jpg' ]); // (true)
execFile [↑]
const RESULT = await vscode_helpers.execFile('/path/to/execiutable', [ '--version' ]);
const STD_ERR = RESULT.stdErr;
const STD_OUT = RESULT.stdOut;
exists [↑]
vscode_helpers.exists('/path/of/thing/to/check', (doesExist: boolean) => {
}, (err) => {
// error
fastGlob [↑]
const MATCHES = await vscode_helpers.fastGlob([ '**/*.txt' ], {
cwd: '/path/to/directory',
ignore: [ '/log/**/*' ],
fastGlobSync [↑]
const MATCHES = vscode_helpers.fastGlobSync([ '**/*.txt' ], {
cwd: '/path/to/directory',
ignore: [ '/log/**/*' ],
filterExtensionNotifications [↑]
const ALL_NOTIFICATIONS: vscode_helpers.ExtensionNotification[] =
await vscode_helpers.getExtensionNotifications('https://mkloubert.github.io/notifications/vscode-deploy-reloaded.json');
const FILTERED_NOTIFICATION = vscode_helpers.filterExtensionNotifications(
'version': '1.0.0' // version of the current extension
forEachAsync [↑]
vscode_helpers.forEachAsync([ 5979, 23979 ], async (item, index) => {
// [index === 0] => item === 5979
// [index === 1] => item === 23979
return item * 1000;
}).then((lastResult) => {
// lastResult === 23979000
}, (err) => {
// error
format [↑]
// "MK:23979 + TM: '5979'"
let str_1 = vscode_helpers.format(
'MK:{1} + TM:{0:trim,surround,leading_space}',
formatArray [↑]
// "MK:23979 + TM: '5979'"
let str_1 = vscode_helpers.formatArray(
'MK:{1} + TM:{0:trim,surround,leading_space}',
[ 5979, 23979 ]
from [↑]
let seq = vscode_helpers.from([ 1, 2, 3 ]) // can also be a generator
// or string
.select(x => '' + x)
.where(x => x !== '2')
for (const ITEM of seq) {
// [0] '3'
// [1] '1'
fromMarkdown [↑]
let htmlFromMarkdown = vscode_helpers.fromMarkdown(
'Vessel | Captain\n-----------|-------------\nNCC-1701 | James T Kirk\nNCC-1701 A | James T Kirk\nNCC-1701 D | Picard'
GET [↑]
const RESULT = await vscode_helpers.GET('https://example.com/api/users/5979');
const USER_DATA = JSON.parse(
(await RESULT.readBody()).toString('utf8')
getExtensionNotifications [↑]
const NOTIFICATIONS: vscode_helpers.ExtensionNotification[] =
await vscode_helpers.getExtensionNotifications('https://mkloubert.github.io/notifications/vscode-deploy-reloaded.json');
for (const NOTE of NOTIFICATIONS) {
getExtensionRoot [↑]
getPackageFile [↑]
const PACKAGE_JSON: vscode_helpers.PackageFile =
await vscode_helpers.getPackageFile();
PACKAGE_JSON.name + ' ' + PACKAGE_JSON.version
getPackageFileSync [↑]
const PACKAGE_JSON: vscode_helpers.PackageFile =
PACKAGE_JSON.name + ' ' + PACKAGE_JSON.version
glob [↑]
vscode_helpers.glob([ '**/*.txt' ], {
cwd: '/path/to/directory',
ignore: [ '/log/**/*' ],
root: '/path/to/directory',
}).then((matches: string[]) => {
// 'matches' contains the found files
}, (err) => {
// error
globSync [↑]
let matches: string[] = vscode_helpers.globSync([ '**/*.txt' ], {
cwd: '/path/to/directory',
ignore: [ '/log/**/*' ],
root: '/path/to/directory',
guid [↑]
let guid_v4_1 = vscode_helpers.guid();
let guid_v4_2 = vscode_helpers.guid('4');
let guid_v4_3 = vscode_helpers.guid('v4');
let guid_v5_1 = vscode_helpers.guid('5');
let guid_v5_2 = vscode_helpers.guid('v5');
let guid_v1_1 = vscode_helpers.guid('1');
let guid_v1_2 = vscode_helpers.guid('v1');
invokeAfter [↑]
vscode_helpers.invokeAfter(() => {
// this is invoked after 5979 milliseconds
return 23979;
}, 5979).then((res) => {
// res === 23979
}, (err) => {
// is invoked on error
isBinaryContent [↑]
import * as fs from 'fs';
vscode_helpers.isBinaryContent( fs.readFileSync('./myPic.jpg') ).then((isBinary) => {
// should be (true)
}, (err) => {
// error
vscode_helpers.isBinaryContent( fs.readFileSync('./myText.txt') ).then((isBinary) => {
// should be (false)
}, (err) => {
// error
isBinaryContentSync [↑]
import * as fs from 'fs';
// should be (true)
vscode_helpers.isBinaryContentSync( fs.readFileSync('./myPic.jpeg') );
// should be (false)
vscode_helpers.isBinaryContentSync( fs.readFileSync('./myText.txt') );
isBlockDevice [↑]
vscode_helpers.isBlockDevice('/path/to/check').then((isABlockDevice) => {
}, (err) => {
// error
isBlockDeviceSync [↑]
const IS_A_BLOCK_DEVICE: boolean = vscode_helpers.isBlockDeviceSync('/path/to/check');
isCharacterDevice [↑]
vscode_helpers.isCharacterDevice('/path/to/check').then((isACharacterDevice) => {
}, (err) => {
// error
isCharacterDeviceSync [↑]
const IS_A_CHARACTER_DEVICE: boolean = vscode_helpers.isCharacterDeviceSync('/path/to/check');
isDirectory [↑]
vscode_helpers.isDirectory('/path/to/check').then((isADirectory) => {
}, (err) => {
// error
isDirectorySync [↑]
const IS_A_DIRECTORY: boolean = vscode_helpers.isDirectorySync('/path/to/check');
isEmptyString [↑]
vscode_helpers.isEmptyString( null ); // (true)
vscode_helpers.isEmptyString( undefined ); // (true)
vscode_helpers.isEmptyString( '123' ); // (false)
isFIFO [↑]
vscode_helpers.isFIFO('/path/to/check').then((isAFIFO) => {
}, (err) => {
// error
isFIFOSync [↑]
const IS_A_FIFO: boolean = vscode_helpers.isFIFOSync('/path/to/check');
isFile [↑]
vscode_helpers.isFile('/path/to/check').then((isAFile) => {
}, (err) => {
// error
isFileSync [↑]
const IS_A_FILE: boolean = vscode_helpers.isFileSync('/path/to/check');
isSocket [↑]
vscode_helpers.isSocket('/path/to/check').then((isASocket) => {
}, (err) => {
// error
isSocketSync [↑]
const IS_A_SOCKET: boolean = vscode_helpers.isSocketSync('/path/to/check');
isSymbolicLink [↑]
vscode_helpers.isSymbolicLink('/path/to/check').then((isASymbolicLink) => {
}, (err) => {
// error
isSymbolicLinkSync [↑]
const IS_A_SYMBOLIC_LINK: boolean = vscode_helpers.isSymbolicLinkSync('/path/to/check');
loadModule [↑]
interface MyModule {
execute(): any;
let mod = vscode_helpers.loadModule<MyModule>('/path/to/module.js');
let modResult = mod.execute();
makeNonDisposable [↑]
const OBJ = {
dispose: () => {
const OBJ_1 = vscode_helpers.makeNonDisposable( OBJ, false );
OBJ_1.dispose(); // does nothing
const OBJ_2 = vscode_helpers.makeNonDisposable( OBJ );
OBJ_2.dispose(); // throws an exception
normalizeString [↑]
const str_1 = vscode_helpers.normalizeString('aBc'); // 'abc'
const str_2 = vscode_helpers.normalizeString(null); // ''
const str_3 = vscode_helpers.normalizeString('aBc', s => s.toUpperCase()); // 'ABC'
now [↑]
s. Moment Timezone for more information about using (optional) timezones.
const NOW = vscode_helpers.now('America/New_York') // optional
.format('DD.MM.YYYY HH:mm:ss');
openAndShowTextDocument [↑]
// empty (plain text)
const EDITOR_1 = await vscode_helpers.openAndShowTextDocument();
// from file
const EDITOR_2 = await vscode_helpers.openAndShowTextDocument('/path/to/file');
// with initial content
const EDITOR_3 = await vscode_helpers.openAndShowTextDocument({
language: 'typescript',
content: `interface Pet {
name: string;
owner: string;
const RESULT = await vscode_helpers.PATCH('https://example.com/api/users/23979', JSON.stringify({
displayName: 'Marcel Kloubert',
}), {
'Content-Type': 'application/json; charset=utf8',
POST [↑]
const RESULT = await vscode_helpers.POST('https://example.com/api/users/23979', JSON.stringify({
displayName: 'Marcel Kloubert',
userName: 'mkloubert',
country: 'Germany',
}), {
'Content-Type': 'application/json; charset=utf8',
PUT [↑]
const RESULT = await vscode_helpers.PUT('https://example.com/api/users/23979', JSON.stringify({
displayName: 'Marcel Kloubert',
}), {
'Content-Type': 'application/json; charset=utf8',
randomBytes [↑]
vscode_helpers.randomBytes(5979).then((bytes: Buffer) => {
// 5979 random bytes are stored
// in 'bytes' now
}, (err) => {
// error
range [↑]
vscode_helpers.range(1, 5).forEach((x) => {
// x[0] === 1
// x[1] === 2
// x[2] === 3
// x[3] === 4
// x[4] === 5
readAll [↑]
import * as fs from 'fs';
const STREAM = fs.createReadStream('./my-file.txt');
readAll( STREAM ).then((data: Buffer) => {
// all data read
}, (err) => {
// error
registerWorkspaceWatcher [↑]
import * as Path from 'path';
import { ConfigurationChangeEvent, Uri } from 'vscode';
class MyWorkspace extends vscode_helpers.WorkspaceBase {
private _configSrc: vscode_helpers.WorkspaceConfigSource;
// this is important for 'onDidChangeConfiguration' (s. below)
public get configSource() {
return this._configSrc;
public async initialize() {
// initialize your workspace here
this._configSrc = {
section: 'my.extension',
resource: Uri.file( Path.join(this.rootPath,
'.vscode/settings.json') ),
public async onDidChangeConfiguration(e: ConfigurationChangeEvent) {
// is invoked when workspace config changed
vscode_helpers.registerWorkspaceWatcher(async (event, folder, workspace?) => {
if (event == vscode_helpers.WorkspaceWatcherEvent.Added) {
const NEW_WORKSPACE = new MyWorkspace( folder );
await NEW_WORKSPACE.initialize();
repeat [↑]
// 5979 'TM' strings
vscode_helpers.repeat('TM', 5979).forEach((x) => {
request [↑]
const RESULT = await vscode_helpers.request('POST', 'https://example.com/api/users/23979', JSON.stringify({
displayName: 'Marcel Kloubert',
userName: 'mkloubert',
country: 'Germany',
}), {
'Content-Type': 'application/json; charset=utf8',
setExtensionRoot [↑]
size [↑]
vscode_helpers.size('/path/to/a/file').then((fileSize: number) => {
// 'fileSize' stores the file size in bytes
}, (err) => {
// use 'stat()' function instead
// s. https://nodejs.org/api/fs.html#fs_fs_stat_path_callback
vscode_helpers.size('/path/to/a/file', false).then((fileSize: number) => {
}, (err) => {
sizeSync [↑]
const FILESIZE_1 = vscode_helpers.sizeSync('/path/to/a/file');
// use 'statSync()' function instead
// s. https://nodejs.org/api/fs.html#fs_fs_statsync_path
const FILESIZE_2 = vscode_helpers.sizeSync('/path/to/a/file', false);
sleep [↑]
vscode_helpers.sleep(23979).then(() => {
// 23979 milliseconds gone
}, (err) => {
// is invoked on error
startWatch [↑]
const WATCH = vscode_helpers.startWatch();
vscode_helpers.sleep(1000).then(() => {
const MS = WATCH.stop(); // 'MS' should be a least 1000
toBooleanSafe [↑]
const bool_1 = vscode_helpers.toBooleanSafe( true ); // (true)
const bool_2 = vscode_helpers.toBooleanSafe( null ); // (false)
const bool_3 = vscode_helpers.toBooleanSafe( undefined, true ); // (true)
tempFile [↑]
vscode_helpers.tempFile((pathToTempFile: string) => {
return 5979;
}).then((result) => {
// result === 5979
}, (err) => {
tempFileSync [↑]
let result = vscode_helpers.tempFileSync((pathToTempFile: string) => {
return 23979;
// result === 23979
toArray [↑]
let myGenerator = function* () {
yield 5979;
yield 23979;
let arr_1 = vscode_helpers.toArray( myGenerator() );
let arr_2 = vscode_helpers.toArray( [ 19861222, 'PZSUX' ] ); // new array
toEOL [↑]
import { EndOfLine } from 'vscode';
const eol_1 = vscode_helpers.toEOL(); // system's EOL
const eol_2 = vscode_helpers.toEOL( EndOfLine.CRLF ); // \r\n
toStringSafe [↑]
const str_1 = vscode_helpers.toStringSafe( 123 ); // '123'
const str_2 = vscode_helpers.toStringSafe( null ); // ''
const str_3 = vscode_helpers.toStringSafe( undefined, 'abc' ); // 'abc'
tryClearInterval [↑]
let timer = setInterval(() => {
// do something
}, 5979);
vscode_helpers.tryClearInterval( timer );
tryClearTimeout [↑]
let timer = setTimeout(() => {
// do something
}, 23979);
vscode_helpers.tryClearTimeout( timer );
tryCreateGitClient [↑]
const CLIENT = await vscode_helpers.tryCreateGitClient();
if (false !== CLIENT) {
const STD_OUT: string = (await CLIENT.exec([ '--version' ])).stdOut;
console.log( STD_OUT );
} else {
// no git client found
tryCreateGitClientSync [↑]
const CLIENT = vscode_helpers.tryCreateGitClientSync();
if (false !== CLIENT) {
CLIENT.execSync([ '--version' ]);
} else {
// no git client found
tryDispose [↑]
const OBJ = {
dispose: () => {
throw new Error( 'Could not dispose!' );
// (false)
vscode_helpers.tryDispose( OBJ );
tryDisposeAndDelete [↑]
const OBJ = {
dispose: () => {
const PARENT = { 'obj_key': OBJ };
vscode_helpers.tryDisposeAndDelete( PARENT, 'obj_key' );
// 'PARENT' should not contain an object in 'obj_key' anymore
tryRemoveAllListeners [↑]
import * as fs from 'fs';
const STREAM = fs.createReadStream('./my-file.txt');
STREAM.once('error', (err) => {
STREAM.once('end', () => {
STREAM.on('data', (chunk) => {
tryRemoveListener [↑]
import * as fs from 'fs';
const STREAM = fs.createReadStream('./my-file.txt');
const DATA_LISTENER = (chunk) => {
STREAM.once('end', () => {
using [↑]
const MY_OBJECT = {
value: 5979,
dispose: function() {
console.log("I have been disposed with value " + this.value);
vscode_helpers.using(MY_OBJECT, (obj) => {
return obj.value + 23979;
}).then((result) => {
// result === 29958
}, (err) => {
// on error
usingSync [↑]
const MY_OBJECT = {
value: 23979,
dispose: function() {
console.log("I have been disposed with value " + this.value);
// RESULT === 29958
const RESULT = vscode_helpers.usingSync(MY_OBJECT, (obj) => {
return obj.value + 5979;
utcNow [↑]
const UTC_NOW = vscode_helpers.utcNow()
.format('DD.MM.YYYY HH:mm:ss');
uuid [↑]
let uuid_v4_1 = vscode_helpers.uuid();
let uuid_v4_2 = vscode_helpers.uuid('4');
let uuid_v4_3 = vscode_helpers.uuid('v4');
let uuid_v5_1 = vscode_helpers.uuid('5');
let uuid_v5_2 = vscode_helpers.uuid('v5');
let uuid_v1_1 = vscode_helpers.uuid('1');
let uuid_v1_2 = vscode_helpers.uuid('v1');
waitWhile [↑]
let counter = 5979;
vscode_helpers.waitWhile(() => {
return --counter < 1;
}, {
timeUntilNextCheck: 100,
timeout: 60000,
}).then((isTimeout: boolean) => {
// counter === 0
}, (err) => {
// error occurred
withProgress [↑]
import { ProgressLocation } from 'vscode';
vscode_helpers.withProgress((context) => {
let res = 0;
context.increment = 10; // increment by 10% after each update
for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
context.message = `Task ${i + 1} of 10 ...`;
// do something
return res;
}, {
location: ProgressLocation.Window,
title: 'My operation',
}).then((res) => {
// res === 10
}, (err) => {
// error
Classes [↑]
CacheProviderBase [↑]
class MyCache extends vscode_helpers.CacheProviderBase {
// implement abstract members here
DisposableBase [↑]
class MyDisposable extends vscode_helpers.MyDisposable {
protected onDispose() {
// your custom logic
vscode_helpers.tryDispose( new MyDisposable() );
MemoryCache [↑]
const CACHE = new vscode_helpers.MemoryCache();
CACHE.get('a', 23979); // 23979
CACHE.set('a', 5979); // 5979
CACHE.has('a'); // (true)
CACHE.has('a'); // (false)
StopWatch [↑]
const WATCH = new vscode_helpers.StopWatch();
vscode_helpers.sleep(1000).then(() => {
const MS = WATCH.stop(); // 'MS' should be a least 1000
WorkspaceBase [↑]
import { ConfigurationChangeEvent, Uri } from 'vscode';
class MyWorkspace extends vscode_helpers.WorkspaceBase {
private _configSrc: vscode_helpers.WorkspaceConfigSource;
// this is important for 'onDidChangeConfiguration' (s. below)
public get configSource() {
return this._configSrc;
public async initialize() {
// initialize your workspace here
this._configSrc = {
section: 'my.extension',
resource: Uri.file( Path.join(this.rootPath,
'.vscode/settings.json') ),
public async onDidChangeConfiguration(e: ConfigurationChangeEvent) {
// is invoked when workspace config changed
Constants and variables [↑]
vscode_helpers.EVENTS.on('myEvent', (a, b) => {
console.log('myEvent: ' + (a + b));
.emit('myEvent', 5979, 23979);
IS_* [↑]
vscode_helpers.IS_AIX; // AIX
vscode_helpers.IS_FREE_BSD; // Free BSD
vscode_helpers.IS_LINUX; // Linux
vscode_helpers.IS_MAC; // Mac OS
vscode_helpers.IS_OPEN_BSD; // Open BSD
vscode_helpers.IS_SUNOS; // Sun OS
vscode_helpers.IS_WINDOWS; // Windows
vscode_helpers.range(0, 5979).forEach((x) => {
vscode_helpers.QUEUE.add(async () => {
return await vscode_helpers.invokeAfter(() => {
return x * 23979;
}, 100));
}).then((result: number) => {
// succeeded
console.log( `QUEUE result of '${ x }': ${ result }` );
}).catch((err) => {
// error
let var_1 = vscode_helpers.SESSION['a']; // undefined (at the beginning)
vscode_helpers.SESSION['a'] = 5979;
let var_2 = vscode_helpers.SESSION['a']; // 5979
delete vscode_helpers.SESSION['a'];
let var_3 = vscode_helpers.SESSION['a']; // undefined
Branches [↑]
| Name | minimum Visual Studio Code version |
| ---- | --------- |
| v10 (current) | ^1.62.0
| v9 | ^1.62.0
| v8 | ^1.50.0
| v7 | ^1.42.0
| v6 | ^1.38.0
| v5 | ^1.36.0
| v4 | ^1.30.0
| v3 | ^1.30.0
| v2 | ^1.23.0
| v1 | ^1.22.0
| beta | ^1.20.0
Support and contribute [↑]
If you like the module, you can support the project by sending a donation via PayPal to me.
To contribute, you can open an issue and/or fork this repository.
To work with the code:
- clone this repository
- create and change to a new branch, like
git checkout -b my_new_feature
- run
npm install
from your project folder - open that project folder in Visual Studio Code
- now you can edit and debug there
- commit your changes to your new branch and sync it with your forked GitHub repo
- make a pull request
Documentation [↑]
The API documentation can be found here.