A module to auto send telemetry for each registered command in unified format, using @vscode/extension-telemetry.
Inject code to send telemetry to Application Insight when register commands.
Initialize the wrapper on activation.
import { initialize, instrumentOperation } from "vscode-extension-telemetry-wrapper"; export async function activate(context: vscode.ExtensionContext): Promise<void> { // initialize the wrapper. await initialize(extensionId, extensionVersion, aiKey); // It instruments the activate operation to send related events. await instrumentOperation("activation", doActivate)(context); } async function doActivate(_operationId: string, context: vscode.ExtensionContext): Promise<void> { // Move your code here. }
Instrument your VS Code command.
const name = "my.hello"; const myHello = (...args) => { vscode.window.showInformationMessage("Hello: " + args.join(" ")); }; // without the wrapper const myCommand = vscode.commands.registerCommand(name, myHello); // with the wrapper const myCommand = instrumentOperationAsVsCodeCommand(name, myHello);
Instrument an operation with multiple steps.
const name = "my.multiStepTask"; const step1 = () => { vscode.window.showInformationMessage("Step 1: Start."); } const step2 = (...args) => { vscode.window.showInformationMessage("Step 2: " + args.join(" ")); } // without the wrapper. const multiStepTask = (...args) => { step1(); step2(..args); }; vscode.commands.registerCommand(name, multiStepTask); // with the wrapper. // operationId contains a unique Id for each execution of the task. const instrumentedMultiStepTask = instrumentOperation(name, (operationId, ...args) => { instrumentOperationStep(operationId, "step1", step1)(); instrumentOperationStep(operationId, "step2", step2)(...args); }); vscode.commands.registerCommand(name, instrumentedMultiStepTask);
Mark an Error as user error.
try { // ... } catch (err: Error) { setUserError(err); // do something with the user error. throw(err); }
Set error code for an Error.
try { // ... } catch (err: Error) { // The error code should be a non-zero integer. const ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND = 2; setErrorCode(err, ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND); throw(err); }
Exported APIs
* Initialize TelemetryReporter by parsing attributes from a JSON file.
* It reads these attributes: publisher, name, version, aiKey.
* @param jsonFilepath absolute path of a JSON file.
function initializeFromJsonFile(jsonFilepath: string, options?: IOptions): Promise<void>;
* Initialize TelemetryReporter from given attributes.
* @param extensionId Identifier of the extension, used as prefix of EventName in telemetry data.
* @param version Version of the extension.
* @param aiKey Key of Application Insights.
function initialize(extensionId: string, version: string, aiKey: string, options?: IOptions): void;
a) if options.debug
or process.env.DEBUG_TELEMETRY
is set to true
, events will be also print to Output Telemetry Wrapper
b) if options.firstParty
is set true
, sensitive information will be wiped out from events for GDPR concern.
- Instrument an operation.
* Instrument callback for a command to auto send OPEARTION_START, OPERATION_END, ERROR telemetry.
* @param operationName For extension activation, use "activation", for VS Code commands, use command name.
* @param cb The callback function with a unique Id passed by its 1st parameter.
* @returns The instrumented callback.
function instrumentOperation(operationName: string, cb: (_operationId: string, ...args: any[]) => any): (...args: any[]) => any;
- Instrument a VS Code command.
* A shortcut to instrument and operation and register it as a VSCode command.
* Note that operation Id will no longer be accessible in this approach.
* @param command A unique identifier for the command.
* @param cb A command handler function.
export function instrumentOperationAsVsCodeCommand(command: string, cb: (...args: any[]) => any): vscode.Disposable;
* Mark an Error instance as a user error.
function setUserError(err: Error): void;
* Set custom error code or an Error instance.
* @param errorCode A custom error code.
function setErrorCode(err: Error, errorCode: number): void;
* @param operationId Unique id of the operation.
* @param operationName Name of the operation.
function sendOperationStart(operationId: string, operationName: string): void;
* Send OPERATION_END event.
* @param operationId Unique id of the operation.
* @param operationName Name of the operation.
* @param duration Time elapsed for the operation, in milliseconds.
* @param err An optional Error instance if occurs during the operation.
function sendOperationEnd(operationId: string, operationName: string, duration: number, err?: Error): void;
* Send an ERROR event.
* @param err An Error instance.
export declare function sendError(err: Error): void;
* Send an ERROR event during an operation, carrying id and name of the oepration.
* @param operationId Unique id of the operation.
* @param operationName Name of the operation.
* @param err An Error instance containing details.
function sendOperationalError(operationId: string, operationName: string, err: Error): void;
* Send an INFO event during an operation.
* @param operationId Unique id of the operation.
* @param data Values of string type go to customDimensions, values of number type go to customMeasurements.
export function sendInfo(operationId: string, data: { [key: string]: string | number }): void;
* Send an INFO event during an operation.
* Note that: operationId will overwrite dimensions['operationId'] if it exists.
* @param operationId Unique id of the operation.
* @param dimensions The object recorded as customDimensions.
* @param measurements The object recored as customMeasurements.
export function sendInfo(
operationId: string,
dimensions: { [key: string]: string },
measurements: { [key: string]: number }
): void;
* Create a UUID string using uuid.v4().
function createUuid(): string;