Game engine based on three.js
Game engine based on three.js
Getting started
yarn install
yarn serve
- [x] engine framework
- [x] after effects with composer
- [x] toggle fullscreen
- [x] keyboard/mouse/touch input
- [x] keyboard long pressed
- [x] no webgl warning
- [x] auto-resize
- [x] fade between scenes
- [x] config
- [x] change opacity of objects
- [x] tween objects around
- [x] modifiers - predefined tweens
- [x] debug stats (fps, memory, geometries, textures, points etc.)
- [x] anaglyph effect
- [x] stereo effect
- [x] adjust renderer width/height (see RenderManager#setWidthHeight)
- [x] require specific screen orientation
- [x] persist data in localStorage
- [x] sound manager
- [x] orbit controls helper
- [x] toggle wireframe
- [x] clear scene recursively
- [x] text
- [x] take screenshots
- [x] record videos
- [x] pool manager
- [x] attach object to bone
- [x] load images
- [x] load sounds
- [x] load json models
- [x] load gltf models
- [x] load glb models
- [x] load json files
- [x] load shaders
- [x] change model skin
- [x] loading done event
- [x] procedural tree
- [x] water
- [x] day/night cycle
- [x] skybox
- [x] particle system
- [x] fog
- [x] grid helper
- [x] graffiti generator (layered painting)
- [x] lightning bolt
- [x] volumetric spotlight
- [x] high score manager (backed by https://json.northpole.ro)
- [x] bundle assets
- [x] shadows
- [x] light helpers
- [x] mirror
- [x] terrain with heightmap
- [x] on screen console
- [x] forest generator
- [x] clone loaded objects instead of direct use
- [ ] on screen controls
- [ ] VR
- [ ] walker
- [ ] a lot of points geometry
- [ ] fine animation controls
- [ ] generate load_assets_file.json
- [ ] handle timeout/interval clear on uninit scene
- [ ] attach to bone scaled
- [ ] physics
- [ ] socket.io
- [ ] peer2peer
- [ ] pause rendering on blur (implement own timeout affected by rendering)