simple Three.js based library to create VR UI.
Simple & flexible 3D user interface.
VRUI is a highly customizable GUI, working in VR and non-VR. It is based upon Three.js, and makes use of the scene-graph to create its hierarchy.
VRUI is greatly influenced by dat.gui, and dat.guiVR.
Multiple layouts
As stated above, the UI support several layout, that can be combined together, such as the Horizontal Layout, Vertical Layout, or the Grid Layout.
For now, we support multiple pages, but without animation when changing from one to another (this will be out soon). Pages can also be created when the previous one is full, if you specify so.
Object3D as an input
You can use any THREE.Object3D element as an input, by just calling VRUI.addInput()
How it works
VRUI works on the same principle as the Android Layout System, allowing to create a very large number of different interfaces. You can use layouts (grid, linear, ...) in which you insert views (slider, checkbox, button, ...).
Every views added to the GUI is scaled and positionned relative to its parent. Example:
To get more information, you can consult the wiki, or the multiple examples.
UI Element
Every UI elements (layouts, views, ...) are createad like this:
let element = new Element(data, style);
with data
an Object of properties containing view or layout relative data. For instance:
let layout = new VRUI.layout.GridLayout({
columns : 4,
rows: 3
}, {
background: 0x2c3e50
Here, we create a GridLayout, with 4 columns and 3 rows (this data are only available in GridLayout), and with only a background property as a style.
Horizontal layout
let layout = new VRUI.layout.HorizontalLayout({
height: 0.1,
margin: {
bottom: 0.1
let button = new VRUI.view.ImageButton(arrowLeftTexture, {
width: 0.1,
background: 0xFF0000,
position: 'left',
padding: {
top: 0.08,
bottom: 0.08,
background: backgroundTexture
let text = new VRUI.view.TextView({
string: 'my string!',
color: 0xFFFFFF
}, {
height: 0.7,
layout.add(button, text);
let guiWidth = 0.5; // In Three.js units.
let guiHeight = 0.5; // In Three.js units.
let gui = new VRUI.VRUI(layout, guiWidth, guiHeight);
gui.addToScene(scene); // Supposing 'scene' exist and is a THREE.Scene
gui.refresh(); // Recompute the bounds of the UI.
You can use either npm or yarn:
Build a development version
yarn install
yarn build
Build a production version
Change the file .env
, by assigning the WEBPACK_CONFIG
variable the value build
Then, you can build normally:
yarn install
yarn build
I am currently working on my master's degree and I do not have a lot of free time at this moment. Contributions are highly appreciated. Having the chance to have contributors bring their ideas to improve the library, by adding new features or by changing the API would be great!
In a nutshell, do not hesitate!
- [ ] Remove
extra data, and add it as a style property - [ ] Add helper to create in few lines a datgui like UI
- [ ] Add getters / setters to element, and ImageButton to simplify usage
- [ ] Add method to show/hide UI in the VRUI class
- [ ] Move VRUI data to Three.js userData object. Inheriting from Object3D is also a possibility.
- [ ] Remove
- [ ] Add style to clone method to simplify element cloning with style changes
- [ ] Add animation
- [ ] Allow different meshes to be used with ImageButton, Slider, etc... This would allow to add meshes with particular form and UVs
- [ ] Aligning / positionniong are wrongly computed in layouts. /!\ Should be fixed quickly
- [ ] Padding does not seam to work with ImageButton
- [ ] Improve the
method in all layouts. It is sometimes very gross, and has been made quickly! - [ ] Add tests
- [ ] Improve the