A tool for building website UI toolkits
VCS Style Guide
This is the style guide for VCS built on Fabricator.
Before you start
1. Download submodules
This repository uses a git submodule including complete modules. The submodule repo: volvo-style-guide-modules
Run these commands:
$ git submodule init
$ git submodule update
This will add a folder "Volvo-style-guide-modules" in "src/materials"
Run the app - Fabricator
To get started, run this command this:
$ npm start
The structure
There are two parts to this project.
- The partial - This contains basic styles for colors, typography, buttons etc.
The css is located in src/assets/toolkit/styles/volvo-style-guide
The html is located in src/materials/partials
To add a new one, just add a html and css/scss in the paths above. Also make sure to put the path to the scss in the import files located in: assets/toolkit/volvo-style-guide/styles/imports
- The Modules - These are bigger components, such as hero, imagegallery These are located in the submodule of this project in src/materials
To add a module to the submodule repo, create a folder in volvo-style-guide-modules and add the files you need. Import css files in assets/toolkit/volvo-style-guide/styles/imports.
You can commit the submodule changes in SourceTree under "submodules"
The build and usage
The build files are created in www/assets/toolkit/
To use the projects styles and modules:
Import the scripts in: www/assets/toolkit/scripts/fbi-volvo-style-guide.js
Import the styles in www/assets/toolkit/styles/fbi-volvo-style-guide.css