Load test Zetta connections.
Voltron: Test your Zetta cluster
Voltron is a CLI or API based solution for creating mock Zetta instances to peer with a cloud deployment. It is also used to traverse a Zetta API or subscribe to Websockets. All of this functionality can be stood up indefinitely and controlled by API as well.
Generate peers
Usage: voltron test load [options] [url]
-h, --help output usage information
-i --instances <number> Number of instances to start. Default 10.
-s --sensors <number> Number of sensors per instance
-a --actuators <number> Number of actuators per instance
-f, --file Output to a file
-s, --silent Silence output
--spec <path> Specification file path.
-t --time <time> Time in seconds to run test for. Defaults to 60.
--csv Format output as csv.
--csv-headers Add headers to csv output.
Generate HTTP API Requests
Usage: voltron test api [options] [url]
-h, --help output usage information
-r --requests <requests> Requests to send
-t --time <time> Time in seconds to run test for. Defaults to 60
-c --clients <number> Number of clients to generate
-rps --rate <number> Number of requests per second
Generate Websocket Subscriptions
Usage: voltron test ws [options] [url]
-h, --help output usage information
-i --instances <number> Number of instances to start. Default 10.
-f, --file Output to a file
-s, --silent Silence output
--spec <path> Specification file path.
-t --time <time> Time in seconds to run test for. Defaults to 60.
Start API to control testing utilities
Usage: voltron start api [options]
-h, --help output usage information
-p --port <port> port number for server to listen on.
-l --link <link> link the voltron API to another zetta.