Wrap javascript code to only fire on when certain body classes are present, e.g. for Wordpress sections/pages
Wrap javascript code to only fire on when certain body classes are present, e.g. for Wordpress sections/pages
Tiny library used to run sections of code only when certain classes exsist in the body tag Code can also be saved the an object and retried at a later point The class contains settings and cache as well, all useful for making sites
Some ideas taken from http://goo.gl/EUTi53 by Paul Irish
Simply add the voila.min.js file before all your javascript, and then wrap the page specific content in voila.when()
Avalaible functions
- voila.when(['event', 'names'], function() {}, wrap code in document ready: true/false) (within this function this is equal to the voila class to make life easier)
- voila.saveMethod('referenceName', function(att1, att2) { })
- voila.runMethod('referenceName', [att1, att2])
- voila.settings.debug (You can easily add more of these)
You can create as many instances as you wish by simply calling the following line after the voila.min.js code has been placed
var project = new Voila();
Examples of code
Here is an example of how you might use the library.
<body class="home single"></body>
voila.when(['global', 'home'], function() {
console.log('will be run');
voila.when('single', function() {
console.log('will be run');
voila.runMethod('name', ['mark', 'smith']);
voila.when(['test1', 'test2'], function() {
console.log('this wont be run');
voila.saveMethod('name', function(first, last) {
console.log('name', first, last);
- Ensure document.body works when JS is in header