Void is a high performance WebAssembly language with an emphasis on full stack web development.
Void is a high performance WebAssembly language with an emphasis on full stack web development.
fn fib(n: i32) -> i32
if n < 2 then:
fib(n - 1) + fib(n - 2)
fn main() -> void
for n in range(15)
print fib(n)
fn app() -> JSX::Element
let todo_items = ["wake up", "eat", "code", "sleep"]
{todo_items.map i => <li>{i}</li>}
Void is in it's very early stages of development. Void is not ready for public announcement or use. Some core syntax and semantics are subject to change. Expect frequent breaking changes. In addition, many documented features are not yet implemented.
- Functional
- Hybrid Nominal & Structural type system
- Algebraic effects
- First class wasm support
- Macros and language extensions
- Uniform function call syntax
- Homoiconic
- Pythonesque syntax that de-sugars into a lisp like dialect
- Parenthesis can be elided in most cases
- Infix notation and standard function call notation support
Guiding Principles:
- Fun to write and read.
- Predictability
- Hackability
- Balance a great developer experience with performance
- Play nice with others
Getting Started
npm i -g voidc
voidc path/to/code.void
Currently requires node v22
# Or nvm
fnm install v22
// Comments are single line and are marked with a c style slash slash
Primitive Types
true // Boolean
false // Boolean
1 // i32 by default
1.0 // f32 by default
"Hello!" // String, can be multiline, supports interpolation via ${}
[1, 2, 3] // Array literal
(1, 2, 3) // Tuple literal
{x: 2, y: 4} // Object literal
// Immutable variable
let my_immutable_var = 7
// Mutable variable
var my_var = 7
A Basic function:
fn add(a: i32, b: i32) -> i32
a + b
In most cases the return type can be inferred
fn add(a:i32, b:i32) = a + b // The equal sign is used when the function is written on one line
To call a function, use the function name followed by the arguments in parenthesis
add(1, 2)
Void also supports uniform function call syntax (UFCS), allowing functions to be called on a type as if they were methods of that type.
Labeled arguments
Labeled arguments can be defined by wrapping parameters you wish to be labeled on call in curly braces.
fn add(a: i32, {to: i32}) = a + to
add(1, to: 2)
By default, the argument label is the same as the parameter name. You can override this by specifying the label before the argument name.
fn add(a: i32, {to:b: i32}) = a + b
add(1, to: 2)
Labeled arguments can be thought of as syntactic sugar for defining a object type parameter and destructuring it in the function body[1]:
fn move({ x: i32 y: i32 z: i32 }) -> void
// ...
// Semantically equivalent to:
fn move(vec: { x: i32 y: i32 z: i32 }) -> void
let { x, y, z } = vec
// ...
move(x: 1, y: 2, z: 3)
// Equivalent to:
move({ x: 1, y: 2, z: 3 })
This allows you to still use object literal syntax for labeled arguments when it might be cleaner to do so. For example, when the variable names match the argument labels:
let [x, y, z] = [1, 2, 3]
// Object field shorthand allows for this:
move({ x, y, z })
// Which is better than
move(x: x, y: y, z: z)
[1] The compiler will typically optimize this away, so there is no performance penalty for using labeled arguments.
Control flow
If statements
if 3 < val then:
"hello" // true case
"bye" // false case (optional)
Ifs are expressions that return a value
let x = if 3 < val then: "hello" else: "bye"
Basic loops repeat until returned from
var a = 0
if a > 10
return a
a += 1
Loops can be labeled
var a = 0
loop name: "increment"
if a > 10
return_from "increment" a
a += 1
Useful constructs from looping through iterables
for item in iterable
print item
Match Statements
Match statements are used for type narrowing
obj Animal
obj Cat extends Animal
obj Dog extends Animal
let dog = Dog {}
Dog: print "Woof"
Cat: print "Meow"
print "Blurb"
let double = n => n * 2
array.map n => n * 2
Dot Notation
The dot is a simple form of syntactic sugar
let x = 4
// Translates to
fn add<T>(a: T, b: T) -> T
a + b
With trait constraints
fn add<T: Numeric>(a: T, b: T) -> T
a + b