Simple templates for node programs
Simple templates for node programs.
vmplate templates depend on the vm module to create a reusable template context. They're great for command-line programs or templating files, but they don't do any escaping and they won't work in the browser, so they're a bad choice for HTML.
$ npm install vmplate
var vmplate = require('vmplate');
var render = vmplate('hello <%= name %>!')
console.log(render({ name: 'world' })); // hello world!
vmplate(string[, locals[, filename]])
Compiles a new vmplate function for string
If you pass in a locals
hash, this will be used as the render function's locals hash. Otherwise, it's an empty hash that you can modify after the fact.
var render = vmplate('hello <%= name %>!', { name: 'world' });
console.log(render()); // hello world!
console.log(render({ name: 'beer' })); // hello beer!
render.locals.name = 'nasty';
console.log(render()); // hello nasty!
If you provide a filename
, it will be used as the filename of the vm script and only really shows up in error messages.
vmplate uses ejs-style delimiters, but there are only two supported operations.
<%= foo %>
(note the =) will add the value of foo
to the buffer. The program will throw if foo
is not defined.
<% var foo = "bar"; %>
will evaluate the expression but will not add it to the buffer. This makes any expression that's also valid javascript usable in your template.
For example, here's how to iterate over an array:
var render = subject('<% for(var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++){ %><%= arr[i] %><% } %>');
console.log(render({ arr: [1, 2, 3] })); // 123
The program will throw if there is a syntax error in your javascript.
vmplate.locals → render.locals → locals
There are four ways to provide locals to your vmplate:
The locals hash on vmplate itself:
var vmplate = require('vmplate');
var render = vmplate('<%= foo %>');
vmplate.locals.foo = 'yay';
console.log(render()); // yay
The locals hash on the vmplate instance:
var render = vmplate('<%= foo %>');
render.locals.foo = 'yay';
console.log(render()); // yay
The locals hash passed to the vmplate factory:
var render = vmplate('<%= foo %>', { foo: 'yay' });
console.log(render()); // yay
Or the locals hash passed to the render function:
var render = vmplate('<%= foo %>');
console.log(render({ foo: 'yay' })); // yay
Render locals inherit from instance locals, which in turn inherit from the vmplate factory locals.