browser shim for vm#runInContext methods
This began as a wan attempt to reproduce/polyfill/infill the Node.JS
methods in browsers. It has transformed
into the present tan muscular self-assured and smiling project before you.
I'd wanted to show that shimming vm
in the browser really could be done
directly, partly to avoid iframes (which
vm-browserify uses) to create and
clone globals and contexts, and partly to side-step Node.js's
contra-normative implementations of runInContext
It's actually a "why didn't I think of that?" solution to problems such as -
- why don't
methods accept functions as arguments, not just strings? - why don't
accept functions as arguments? - why do
leak un-var'd symbols to the global scope, in browser & node.js environments? - how can we inspect items defined in closures?
- how can we override (or mock) them?
methods provided (so far)
vm#runInContext(code, context)
vm#runInNewContext(code, context)
not provided (yet)
npm install vm-shim
git clone https://github.com/dfkaye/vm-shim.git
Starting with vm.runInContext(code, context)
, the Function()
constructor is
at the core. The code param may be either a string or a function. The
context param is a simple object with key-value mappings. For any key on the
context, a new var for that key is prefixed to the code. The code is passed
in to Function()
so that the keynames can't leak outside the new function's
Refactored [8 Nov 2013]: a lot of little things involved - biggest is that
now uses eval()
internally, and the other two use with()
inside of Function()
. Who says you can't use with()
[10 Nov] Having discovered that eval() leaks globals (!?!) if symbols are not
var'd, all methods rely on a helper method to scrape EVERY global added by its
internal eval()
(or Function()
) call.
[10 Dec]: removed use of with
example tests
The unit tests demonstrate how runInContext
and runInNewContext
methods work
by passing a context
param containing a reference to the test's expectation
object or function.
Example runInContext test passes the expect
function via context argument:
it("overrides external scope vars with context attrs", function() {
var attr = "shouldn't see this";
var context = {
attr: 'ok',
expect: expect // <-- pass expect here
expect(attr).not.toBe('should not see this');
}, context);
Example runInNewContext test to verify context is returned:
it('should return context object', function () {
var context = { name: 'test' };
var result = vm.runInNewContext('', context);
Example runInThisContext test to verify accidental is not placed on global scope:
it("should not leak accidental (un-var'd) globals", function() {
accidental = 'defined';
node tests
Using Misko Hevery's jasmine-node to run command line tests on node (even though this project initially aimed at a browser shim).
The package.json
file defines three test script commands to run the tests via
jasmine-node without the browsers:
npm test
# => jasmine-node --verbose ./test/suite.spec.js
npm run test-vm
# => jasmine-node --verbose ./test/vm-shim.spec.js
browser tests
Using @pivotallabs' jasmine-2.0.0 for the browser suite.
The jasmine2 browser test page is viewable on rawgit.
Using Toby Ho's MAGNIFICENT testemjs to
drive tests in multiple browsers for jasmine-2.0.0 (see how to
hack testem for jasmine 2), as well
as jasmine-node. The testem.json
file uses the standalone test page above,
and also uses a custom launcher for jasmine-node (v 1.3.1).
View both test types at the console by running:
testem -l j
Just noting for the record:
- Original idea emerged late at night 17 SEPT 2013
- First implemented with rawgit approach 18 SEPT,
- Full success including objects as properties of the context argument 19 SEPT.
- Breaking the usual TDD procedure:
- Started with console statements and prayer ~ removed both for real unit tests
- Tape tests added 20 SEPT.
- Jasmine tests/page added 20 SEPT.
- Error, and leakage tests added 21 SEPT.
- runInNewContext, runInThisContext methods added; runInContext refactored 4 OCT 2013
- CoffeeScript test with jasmine-node added 6 OCT
- tape test written in CoffeeScript test added 7 OCT
- scope injection tests started 21 OCT
- scope injection: spec started, tests updated, testem.json added 6 NOV 2013
- massive refactoring 8 NOV 2013
- certain cases were just wrong (needed 'eval()' for 'runInThisContext()', e.g.)
- new/completed bdd specs for both vm-shim and scope mocking (temp name is 'mockScope')
- last global leakage fixed 10 NOV
- deleted CoffeeScript and tape tests (fun but extra work for now) 11 NOV
- rawgit-viewable test page that also works with testem 12 NOV
- moved mock scope stuff to metafunction project 18 NOV