A package to organize routing in VK Mini Apps application.
VK Mini Apps Router
A package to organize routing in VK Mini Apps application.
Currently, it is rather hard to work normally with application created on VK Mini Apps platform, due to there are a lot features inside of it. Especially when we are talking about routing.
The main purpose of this application is to provide transparent wide functionality and use it without any difficulties in vkma applications.
yarn add vkma-router
npm i vkma-router
Getting started
It is rather important to understand, that there must not be an application
state when it is unknown, which panel to display. Case, when this situation
occurs is called Zero state panic
cares of not allowing this state to occur. When created,
it is waiting for initial history to be passed. Otherwise it will try to derive
initial history from current history location.
Internally, vkma-router
uses routing tree which is passed from outside. It
is required to prevent Zero state panic
, because it can validate routes
only with this tree. So, if you are trying to push or replace state which
cannot be found in routing tree, it will be prevented and warning thrown.
This behaviour is used by default and can be removed but not recommended.
Returning to passing initial history to router, you should understand that each history element should be correct. It means, that each history item should exist in routing tree. Otherwise, an error will be thrown. This behaviour is preventable too but not recommended as well.
How it works
According to we know that application created on base of VK Mini Apps
represents usual web application with usual browser APIs, vkma-router
uses History API along with history
creates memory history which allows us to avoid Zero state panic
The reason we chose memory history, but not usual browser or hash history
is they dont allow us to go through history freely. Moreover, initial state
is always empty (pathname is "/" and state is null) which, in our context,
means Zero state panic
. Using memory history, we are setting initial
state and first item in history is always correct and not removable.
Popstate event
is watching for windows's popstate
event and detects where
memory router should go. It works always correctly because each time, popstate
event is called, it sends state with which we can detect needed direction.
History API and Bridge location updates
It is important to mention, that you have no need to call
after using router and calling pushState
due to
the reason pushState
is doing it internally.
's method VKWebAppSetLocation
is called every time when current
state changes.
import {createSet, ValidateTree} from 'vkma-router';
// List of available views in project
export enum ViewsEnum {
Registration = 'registration',
Main = 'application'
// List of available panels in project
export enum PanelsEnum {
Personal = 'personal',
Photo = 'photo',
News = 'news',
Settings = 'settings',
Messages = 'messages',
// List of available popups in project
export enum PopupsEnum {
Confirm = 'confirm'
// Routing tree. To make sure you are writing tree correctly, find type
// RoutingTree inside of package. We are not using here any of the types,
// because we will be unable to infer paths to panels correctly
export const tree = {
views: {
// We use create set to make type inferring correct due to it is unavailable
// to do it in usual arrays
[ViewsEnum.Registration]: createSet([PanelsEnum.Personal, PanelsEnum.Photo]),
[ViewsEnum.Main]: createSet([
PanelsEnum.News, PanelsEnum.Settings, PanelsEnum.Messages
popups: createSet(Object.values(PopupsEnum))
// Type which validates if tree extends RoutingTree. Otherwise it wll be "never"
export type AppTree = ValidateTree<typeof tree>;
// This variable does nothing. It has only 1 purpose - to throw error in case
// when tree has invalid format. It will be thrown by TypeScript automatically
// when tree changes
const _: AppTree = tree;
Initial history
import {historyStateFromURL, isStateInTree, NonIndexedHistory} from 'vkma-router';
import {tree, AppTree, ViewsEnum, PanelsEnum} from './tree';
// Create history. It is only an example and you create history based on logic
// of your application
export const history: NonIndexedHistory<AppTree> = [];
// In VKMA applications, meaningful path is passed in hash
const state = historyStateFromURL(window.location.hash);
// Validate if needed
if (state && isStateInTree(state, tree)) {
} else {
view: ViewsEnum.Main,
panel: PanelsEnum.News,
popup: null,
query: {},