Vk to telegram forwarder
vk to telegram forwarder
npm i vk-to-telegram --save
const app = require('express')()
const bodyParser = require('body-parser')
const vkToTelegram = require('vk-to-telegram')
const vkToTg = new vkToTelegram({
botToken: 'your bot token',
chatName: 'telegram chat/channel name',
ownerId: 'your telegram id', // number
vkToken: 'your very long token from vk api',
vkConfirmation: 'group confirmation'
app.post('/', (req, res) => {
vkToTg.send(req, res)
.then(() => console.log('Done!'))
.catch((err) => {
console.log('Something went wrong')
app.listen(80, ()=>{
console.log('listening on port 80')
What is this
It is a tool for express which using VK callback api forwards posts from group in channel or chat in Telegram!
Here's example with koa2
app.use(async ctx => {
const result = await vkToTg.send(ctx)
Used by:
| | | | |
| AlexandriA (AAR) | PanzerSofa | Олег Ливанов | ongoing research |
| | | ||
| аниреакт | Otaku Squad | disgusting otaku | Fond SpeedWagona|
What content does it forward
| Content type | Works fully? |
| - | - |
| Photo(s) | Yes
| Video(s) | Yes
| Document(s) | Yes
| Link | Yes
| Application Content | Yes
| Poll | Yes
| Audio(s) | NO. Why? Read here. |
| Album(s) | Yes
| Graffiti | Not tested.
| Wiki Page | Not tested.
| Market item | Not tested.
| Sticker | Not tested.
Free usage
If you want to test this code, or use on a regular basis (via heroku), please contact me for setup.
| token
|Yes|Bot token from Botfather|
| chatName
| Yes | Telegram channel or group link, like '@tavernofheroes'|
| ownerId
|Yes | Your telegram id for sending error if they are. U can get know it from @getidsbot|
| vkConfirmation
|Yes|Confirmation string from ur group callback api server: |
| vkToken
| Yes | Follow the instructions below:|
||||1. Create Standalone application here: https://vk.com/apps?act=manage |
||||2. Open settings in created application and copy application id |
||||3. Open this link with replace your application id: |
||||https://oauth.vk.com/authorize?client_id=YOUR APPLICATION ID&display=page&redirect_uri=http://vk.com/&scope=offline,video,docs&response_type=token&v=5.81|
||||4. Click allow all that need's and it's all! Your token is in query url, do not copy all link, only token without other params. |
|Optional|If you know your chat/channel id, put it here, it will replace chatName
| Optional | VK group id with '-'in start or nothing, if you don't need check. |
|Optional|Title for button which will be added to each post to open it in VK|
|Optional|Custom template string in the title of button with URL to poll("Open poll" -> "Open poll - ${poll.question}")|
|Optional|Custom template string that replace full post text, because it's too long for Telegram(max 4096 characters) ("Too long post... [Read full]" -> "Too long post... <a href="https://vk.com/poll${poll.owner_id}_${poll.id}">Read full" and parse as HTML)|
|Optional|Custom template string that add post signer in the end of Telegram message ("Post By" -> "\n\nPost by <a href="https://vk.com/id${post.signer_id}">${signer.first_name} ${signer.last_name}" and parse as HTML) |
|Optional|Add filter that stops forwarder if detect that post repeats(Because of app sleeping)|
|Optional|Heroku post delay between same posts|
|Optional|Secret field from vk admin panel to verify that post has come from VK|
|Optional|Filter posts by key word(s) (use ',' as separator) (use '-' in begin of word to invert)|
|Optional|Filter posts by hashtag (use ',' as separator) (use '-' in begin of word to invert)|
|Optional|Forward posts marked as ads? (By default true
|Optional|Forward reposts marked as ads? (By default true
|Optional|Append text to forwarded post (can be used for hashtags for channel navigation)|
|Optional|Same as appendText
but it's will prepend it in the start of post text|
|Optional|Allow to forward post with repost (By default true
|Optional|Use native Telegram poll instead of link to poll in VK, set false
to use poll in VK|
|Optional|Use Z sized pictures as max. (Reduces pictures aliasing)|
- DON'T forget to pick in your vk group api dashboard event type 'WALL POST - NEW'.
- Recommend to use vk api v5.103