GUI tools for vizor engine
A series of GUI Tools to be used in the VIZOR ENGINE PLATFORM
- windows
- menus
- toolboxes
- controls
- forms
VIZOR Collaborator instructions
- Clone the project:
git clone
- Modify:
Make your changes in the codebase.
Create a local branch:
NOTA : Como nombre del branch se puede usar la versión, ejemplo : release-vX.Y.Z
Colocar en el detalle de los cambios realizados.
git checkout -b feature-branch-name
Add and commit changes:
git add . git commit -m "Description of the changes"
- Push the branch:
git push origin feature-branch-name
Create a pull request on GitHub.
Ask the owner to accept and merge
NEXT STEPS (Continous Development)
- pull to have the lastest changes
git checkout main git pull origin main
- create a new branch (use a name that clearly comunicate the featur you ar working on)
git checkout -b new-feature-branch
Make your changes in the codebase.
push the new changes
git add . git commit -m "Description of changes" git push origin new-feature-branch
Managing Versioning
Determine the version update type: Decide whether the changes constitute a major, minor, or patch update based on the Semantic
Versioning guidelines:
Major: Incompatible API changes. Minor: Backward-compatible functionality. Patch: Backward-compatible bug fixes.
Update the version number: Update the version number in the relevant files (e.g., package.json for Node.js projects) based on the determined version update type.
- Create a release branch:
git checkout main git pull origin main git checkout -b release-vX.Y.Z Update the changelog: Document the changes in a file, outlining the new features, bug fixes, and other relevant information for the release.
- Commit the version update and changelog:
git add . git commit -m "Bump version to vX.Y.Z and update changelog"
- Push the release branch:
git push origin release-vX.Y.Z
Create a pull request for the release branch:
Create a pull request to merge the release branch into the main branch.
Merge the pull request:
Once reviewed and approved, merge the pull request.
Tag the release:
After merging, create a tag for the new release:
git checkout main git pull origin main git tag -a vX.Y.Z -m "Release version vX.Y.Z" git push origin vX.Y.Z
- Create a release on GitHub:
Go to the GitHub repository, navigate to the "Releases" section, and create a new release using the created tag. Provide the release notes based on the changelog.
By following these steps, you'll maintain a well-organized versioning system, ensuring that the codebase remains structured and that changes are properly documented and released.