# Vitreus-wallet-fe v1.0
Vitreus Wallet Connect : React library for wallet connection
Vitreus-wallet-fe v1.0
JS + React library that gives the possibility to connect crypto wallets to Vitreus Testnet with text/styles customization through QR code generated by remote secured servers. Version 1.0 provides the ability to connect your web application with other web/mobile resources via WebSocket connection. For this connection, the socket-io library is used, which is the most popular JavaScript WebSocket library.
You need to use React v16+ to implement this package
Installation and Usage
npm install vitreus-wallet-fe
yarn add vitreus-wallet-fe
import { Chains, ConnectWalletBtn, VitreusWalletConnectProvider } from 'vitreus-wallet-fe';
<VitreusWalletConnectProvider address={""}>
symbolsAfterDot={2} // Balance rounding (Exapmle: 22.367 = 22.36)
chainInfo: [Chains.vitreus.chain], // Initial Chain
webSessionInfo: {
activeChain: Chains.vitreus.chainName, // Initial Chain name
supportedChains: [Chains.vitreus.chain], // List off chains that can be used
autoSwitch: false,
autoConnect: true,
dAppMeta: {
name: "Your web app name",
logoUrl: "Your web app icon",
url: "Your web app url",
description: "optional",
fullConnectText={"connect wallet long text test"} // screen width more then 650px
shortConnectText={"short"} // screen width less then 650px
qrCodeSettings={{ size: 200 }} //in px
connectTexts={{ // QR code modal connection text
title: "Connect Wallet",
description: "Scan QR code to connect wallet",
close: "close",
iconUrl="./userHeader.svg" // icon near button
Consumer part
To establish a WebSocket (ws) connection, you need to scan a QR code and retrieve session information from the Vitreus service (link to the service will be added soon). Afterward, you need to approve the connection to establish the WebSocket. The socket will be terminated within 1 hour (dev version).