fetch mock for vitest
Vitest Fetch Mock
This project was forked from jest-fetch-mock, and tweaked slightly to run
with Vitest instead of Jest. It is mostly compatible with jest-fetch-mock
, with the main difference being that you
need to create fetchMock with a function call, and provide vi
to it, rather than relying on a global vi
or (jest
in jest-fetch-mock's case). See Usage for more details.
Fetch is the canonical way to do HTTP requests in the browser and other modern runtimes. Vitest Fetch Mock allows you to
easily mock your fetch
calls and return the response you need to fake the HTTP requests. It's easy to setup and you
don't need a library like nock
to get going and it uses Vitest's built-in support for mocking under the surface. This
means that any of the vi.fn()
methods are also available. For more information on the Vitest mock API, check their
docs here
As of version 0.4.0, vitest-fetch-mock
mocks the global
Fetch method, which is present in all modern runtimes
and browsers. Previous versions used a fetch polyfill to run in older versions of Node.js. See
Compatibility for details.
- Usage
- Examples
- Simple mock and assert
- Mocking all fetches
- Mocking a failed fetch
- Mocking multiple fetches with different responses
- Mocking multiple fetches with
- Reset mocks between tests with
- Using
to inspect the mock state of each fetch call - Using functions to mock slow servers
The most recent versions of vitest-fetch-mock support Vitest 2 and Node.js 18 and above. If you are using Vitest version
1.x or an older version of node, please install vitest-fetch-mock0.2.2
Package Installation
To setup your fetch mock you need to do the following things:
$ npm install --save-dev vitest-fetch-mock
Create a setupVitest
file to setup the mock or add this to an existing setupFile
. :
To setup for all tests
//setupVitest.js or similar file
import createFetchMock from 'vitest-fetch-mock';
import { vi } from 'vitest';
const fetchMocker = createFetchMock(vi);
// sets globalThis.fetch and globalThis.fetchMock to our mocked version
Add the setup file to your vitest config:
"test": {
"setupFiles": [
With this done, you'll have fetch
and fetchMock
available on the global scope. Fetch will be used as usual by your
code and you'll use fetchMock
in your tests
Default not mocked
If you would like to have the 'fetchMock' available in all tests but not enabled then add fetchMock.dontMock()
the ...enableMocks()
line in setupVitest.js
import createFetchMock from 'vitest-fetch-mock';
import { vi } from 'vitest';
const fetchMocker = createFetchMock(vi);
// adds the 'fetchMock' global variable and rewires 'fetch' global to call 'fetchMock' instead of the real implementation
// changes default behavior of fetchMock to use the real 'fetch' implementation and not mock responses
If you want a single test file to return to the default behavior of mocking all responses, add the following to the test file:
beforeEach(() => {
// if you have an existing `beforeEach` just add the following line to it
To enable mocking for a specific URL only:
beforeEach(() => {
// if you have an existing `beforeEach` just add the following lines to it
fetchMocker.mockIf(/^https?:\/\/*$/, (req) => {
if (req.url.endsWith('/path1')) {
return 'some response body';
} else if (req.url.endsWith('/path2')) {
return {
body: 'another response body',
headers: {
'X-Some-Response-Header': 'Some header value',
} else {
return {
status: 404,
body: 'Not Found',
If you have changed the default behavior to use the real implementation, you can guarantee the next call to fetch will
be mocked by using the mockOnce
fetchMocker.mockOnce('the next call to fetch will always return this as the body');
This function behaves exactly like fetchMocker.once
but guarantees the next call to fetch
will be mocked even if the
default behavior of fetchMock is to use the real implementation. You can safely convert all you fetchMocker.once
to fetchMocker.mockOnce
without a risk of changing their behavior.
To setup for an individual test
Add the following line to the start of your test case (before any other imports)
import createFetchMock from 'vitest-fetch-mock';
import { vi } from 'vitest';
const fetchMocker = createFetchMock(vi);
TypeScript importing
If you are using TypeScript and receive errors about the fetchMock
global not existing, add a global.d.ts
file to
the root of your project (or add the following line to an existing global file):
import 'vitest-fetch-mock';
Mock Responses
fetch.mockResponse(bodyOrFunction, init): fetch
- Mock all fetch callsfetch.mockResponseOnce(bodyOrFunction, init): fetch
- Mock each fetch call independentlyfetch.once(bodyOrFunction, init): fetch
- Alias formockResponseOnce(bodyOrFunction, init)
fetch.mockResponses(...responses): fetch
- Mock multiple fetch calls independently- Each argument is an array taking
[bodyOrFunction, init]
- Each argument is an array taking
fetch.mockReject(errorOrFunction): fetch
- Mock all fetch calls, letting them fail directlyfetch.mockRejectOnce(errorOrFunction): fetch
- Let the next fetch call fail directlyfetch.mockAbort(): fetch
- Causes all fetch calls to reject with an "Aborted!" errorfetch.mockAbortOnce(): fetch
- Causes the next fetch call to reject with an "Aborted!" error
Instead of passing body, it is also possible to pass a function that returns a promise. The promise should resolve with a string or an object containing body and init props
fetch.mockResponse(() => callMyApi().then((res) => ({ body: 'ok' })));
// OR
fetch.mockResponse(() => callMyApi().then((res) => 'ok'));
The function may take an optional "request" parameter of type http.Request
fetch.mockResponse((req) =>
req.url === 'http://myapi/' ? callMyApi().then((res) => 'ok') : Promise.reject(new Error('bad url'))
Note: the request "url" is parsed and then printed using the equivalent of new URL(input).href
so it may not match
exactly with the URL's passed to fetch
if they are not fully qualified. For example, passing "" to
will result in the request URL being "" (note the trailing slash).
The same goes for rejects:
fetch.mockReject(() => doMyAsyncJob().then((res) => Promise.reject(res.errorToRaise)));
// OR
fetch.mockReject((req) =>
req.headers.get('content-type') === 'text/plain'
? Promise.reject('invalid content type')
: doMyAsyncJob().then((res) => Promise.reject(res.errorToRaise))
Mock utilities
- Clear previously set mocks so they do not bleed into other mocksfetch.enableMocks()
- Enable fetch mocking by overridingglobal.fetch
and mockingnode-fetch
- Disable fetch mocking and restore default implementation offetch
- The mock state for your fetch calls. Make assertions on the arguments given tofetch
when called by the functions you are testing. For more information check the vitest docs
For information on the arguments body and init can take, you can look at the MDN docs on the Response Constructor
function, which vitest-fetch-mock
uses under the surface.
Each mocked response or err or will return a MockInstance Function. You can use
methods like .toHaveBeenCalledWith
to ensure that the mock function was called with specific arguments. For more
methods detail, take a look at this.
In most of the complicated examples below, I am testing my action creators in Redux, but it doesn't have to be used with Redux.
Simple mock and assert
In this simple example I won't be using any libraries. It is a simple fetch request, in this case to First
we setup the beforeEach
callback to reset our mocks. This isn't strictly necessary in this example, but since we will
probably be mocking fetch more than once, we need to reset it across our tests to assert on the arguments given to
fetch. Make sure the function wrapping your test is marked as async.
Once we've done that we can start to mock our response. We want to give it an object with a data
property and a string
value of 12345
and wrap it in JSON.stringify
to JSONify it. Here we use mockResponseOnce
, but we could also use
, which is an alias for a call to mockResponseOnce
We then call the function that we want to test with the arguments we want to test with. We use await
to wait until the
response resolves, and then assert we have got the correct data back.
Finally we can assert on the .mock
state that Vitest provides for us to test what arguments were given to fetch and
how many times it was called
export function APIRequest(who) {
if (who === 'google') {
return fetch('').then((res) => res.json());
} else {
return 'no argument provided';
import { APIRequest } from './api';
describe('testing api', () => {
beforeEach(() => {
it('calls google and returns data to me', async () => {
fetch.mockResponseOnce(JSON.stringify({ data: '12345' }));
//assert on the response
const res = await APIRequest('google');
//assert on the times called and arguments given to fetch
Mocking all fetches
In this example I am mocking just one fetch call. Any additional fetch calls in the same function will also have the same mock response. For more complicated functions with multiple fetch calls, you can check out example 3.
import configureMockStore from 'redux-mock-store'; // mock store
import thunk from 'redux-thunk';
const middlewares = [thunk];
const mockStore = configureMockStore(middlewares);
import { getAccessToken } from './accessToken';
describe('Access token action creators', () => {
it('dispatches the correct actions on successful fetch request', () => {
fetch.mockResponse(JSON.stringify({ access_token: '12345' }));
const expectedActions = [{ type: 'SET_ACCESS_TOKEN', token: { access_token: '12345' } }];
const store = mockStore({ config: { token: '' } });
return (
//getAccessToken contains the fetch call
.then(() => {
// return of async actions
Mocking a failed fetch
In this example I am mocking just one fetch call but this time using the mockReject
function to simulate a failed
request. Any additional fetch calls in the same function will also have the same mock response. For more complicated
functions with multiple fetch calls, you can check out example 3.
import configureMockStore from 'redux-mock-store'; // mock store
import thunk from 'redux-thunk';
const middlewares = [thunk];
const mockStore = configureMockStore(middlewares);
import { getAccessToken } from './accessToken';
describe('Access token action creators', () => {
it('dispatches the correct actions on a failed fetch request', () => {
fetch.mockReject(new Error('fake error message'));
const expectedActions = [{ type: 'SET_ACCESS_TOKEN_FAILED', error: { status: 503 } }];
const store = mockStore({ config: { token: '' } });
return (
//getAccessToken contains the fetch call
.then(() => {
// return of async actions
Mocking aborted fetches
Fetches can be mocked to act as if they were aborted during the request. This can be done in 4 ways:
describe('Mocking aborts', () => {
beforeEach(() => {
afterEach(() => {
it('rejects with an Aborted! Error', () => {
it('rejects with an Aborted! Error once then mocks with empty response', async () => {
await expect(fetch('/')).rejects.toThrow('Aborted!');
await expect(request()).resolves.toEqual('');
it('throws when passed an already aborted abort signal', () => {
const c = new AbortController();
expect(() => fetch('/', { signal: c.signal })).toThrow('Aborted!');
it('rejects when aborted before resolved', async () => {
const c = new AbortController();
fetch.mockResponse(async () => {
return '';
setTimeout(() => c.abort(), 50);
await expect(fetch('/', { signal: c.signal })).rejects.toThrow('Aborted!');
Mocking a redirected response
Set the counter option >= 1 in the response init object to mock a redirected response Note, this will only work in Node.js as it's a feature of node fetch's response class
fetchMock.mockResponse('<main></main>', {
counter: 1,
status: 200,
statusText: 'ok',
Mocking multiple fetches with different responses
In this next example, the store does not yet have a token, so we make a request to get an access token first. This means
that we need to mock two different responses, one for each of the fetches. Here we can use fetch.mockResponseOnce
to mock the response only once and call it twice. Because we return the mocked function, we can chain this
jQuery style. It internally uses Vitest's mockImplementationOnce
. You can read more about it on the
Vitest documentation
import configureMockStore from 'redux-mock-store';
import thunk from 'redux-thunk';
const middlewares = [thunk];
const mockStore = configureMockStore(middlewares);
import { getAnimeDetails } from './animeDetails';
describe('Anime details action creators', () => {
it('dispatches requests for an access token before requesting for animeDetails', () => {
fetch.once(JSON.stringify({ access_token: '12345' })).once(JSON.stringify({ name: 'naruto' }));
const expectedActions = [
{ type: 'SET_ACCESS_TOKEN', token: { access_token: '12345' } },
{ type: 'SET_ANIME_DETAILS', animeDetails: { name: 'naruto' } },
const store = mockStore({ config: { token: null } });
return (
//getAnimeDetails contains the 2 fetch calls
.then(() => {
// return of async actions
Mocking multiple fetches with fetch.mockResponses
takes as many arguments as you give it, all of which are arrays representing each Response Object.
It will then call the mockImplementationOnce
for each response object you give it. This reduces the amount of
boilerplate code you need to write. An alternative is to use .once
and chain it multiple times if you don't like
wrapping each response arguments in a tuple/array.
In this example our actionCreator calls fetch
4 times, once for each season of the year and then concatenates the
results into one final array. You'd have to write fetch.mockResponseOnce
4 times to achieve the same thing:
describe('getYear action creator', () => {
it('dispatches the correct actions on successful getSeason fetch request', () => {
[JSON.stringify([{ name: 'naruto', average_score: 79 }]), { status: 200 }],
[JSON.stringify([{ name: 'bleach', average_score: 68 }]), { status: 200 }],
[JSON.stringify([{ name: 'one piece', average_score: 80 }]), { status: 200 }],
[JSON.stringify([{ name: 'shingeki', average_score: 91 }]), { status: 200 }]
const expectedActions = [
type: 'SET_YEAR',
payload: {
animes: [
{ name: 'naruto', average_score: 7.9 },
{ name: 'bleach', average_score: 6.8 },
{ name: 'one piece', average_score: 8 },
{ name: 'shingeki', average_score: 9.1 },
year: 2016,
const store = mockStore({
config: {
token: { access_token: 'wtw45CmyEuh4P621IDVxWkgVr5QwTg3wXEc4Z7Cv' },
years: [],
return (
//This calls fetch 4 times, once for each season
.then(() => {
// return of async actions
Reset mocks between tests with fetch.resetMocks
resets the fetch
mock to give fresh mock data in between tests. It only resets the fetch
calls as
to not disturb any other mocked functionality.
describe('getYear action creator', () => {
beforeEach(() => {
it('dispatches the correct actions on successful getSeason fetch request', () => {
JSON.stringify([ {name: 'naruto', average_score: 79} ]), { status: 200}
JSON.stringify([ {name: 'bleach', average_score: 68} ]), { status: 200}
const expectedActions = [
type: 'SET_YEAR',
payload: {
animes: [
{name: 'naruto', average_score: 7.9},
{name: 'bleach', average_score: 6.8}
year: 2016,
const store = mockStore({
config: { token: { access_token: 'wtw45CmyEuh4P621IDVxWkgVr5QwTg3wXEc4Z7Cv' }},
years: []
return store.dispatch(getYear(2016))
//This calls fetch 2 times, once for each season
.then(() => { // return of async actions
it('dispatches the correct actions on successful getSeason fetch request', () => {
JSON.stringify([ {name: 'bleach', average_score: 68} ]), { status: 200}
JSON.stringify([ {name: 'one piece', average_score: 80} ]), { status: 200}
JSON.stringify([ {name: 'shingeki', average_score: 91} ]), { status: 200}
const expectedActions = [
type: 'SET_YEAR',
payload: {
animes: [
{name: 'bleach', average_score: 6.8},
{name: 'one piece', average_score: 8},
{name: 'shingeki', average_score: 9.1}
year: 2016,
const store = mockStore({
config: { token: { access_token: 'wtw45CmyEuh4P621IDVxWkgVr5QwTg3wXEc4Z7Cv' }},
years: []
return store.dispatch(getYear(2016))
//This calls fetch 3 times, once for each season
.then(() => { // return of async actions
Using fetch.mock
to inspect the mock state of each fetch call
by default uses Vitest's mocking functions. Therefore you can make
assertions on the mock state. In this example we have an arbitrary function that makes a different fetch request based
on the argument you pass to it. In our test, we run Vitest's beforeEach()
and make sure to reset our mock before each
block as we will make assertions on the arguments we are passing to fetch()
. Then we use the fetch.requests()
function to give us a history of all non-aborted requests (normalized) that were made. It can give you information on
each call, and their arguments which you can use for your expect()
calls. Vitest also comes with some nice aliases for
the most used ones.
// api.js
export function APIRequest(who) {
if (who === 'facebook') {
return fetch('');
} else if (who === 'twitter') {
return fetch('');
} else {
return fetch('');
// api.test.js
import { APIRequest } from './api';
describe('testing api', () => {
beforeEach(() => {
it('calls google by default', () => {
fetch.mockResponse(JSON.stringify({ secret_data: '12345' }));
// there was one request, which was not aborted
it('calls facebook', () => {
fetch.mockResponse(JSON.stringify({ secret_data: '12345' }));
it('calls twitter', () => {
fetch.mockResponse(JSON.stringify({ secret_data: '12345' }));
expect(fetch).toBeCalled(); // alias for expect(fetch.mock.calls.length).toEqual(1);
expect(fetch.requests().map((v) => v.url)).toContain('');
Using functions to mock slow servers
By default you will want to have your fetch mock return immediately. However if you have some custom logic that needs to tests for slower servers, you can do this by passing it a function and returning a promise when your function resolves
// api.test.js
import { request } from './api';
describe('testing timeouts', () => {
it('resolves with function and timeout', async () => {
fetch.mockResponseOnce(() => new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(() => resolve({ body: 'ok' }), 100)));
try {
const response = await request();
} catch (e) {
throw e;
Conditional Mocking
In some test scenarios, you may want to temporarily disable (or enable) mocking for all requests or the next (or a certain number of) request(s). You may want to only mock fetch requests to some URLs that match a given request path while in others you may want to mock all requests except those matching a given request path. You may even want to conditionally mock based on request headers.
The conditional mock functions cause vitest-fetch-mock
to pass fetches through to the concrete fetch implementation
conditionally. Calling fetch.dontMock
, fetch.doMock
, fetch.doMockIf
or fetch.dontMockIf
overrides the default
behavior of mocking/not mocking all requests. fetch.dontMockOnce
, fetch.doMockOnce
, fetch.doMockOnceIf
only overrides the behavior for the next call to fetch
, then returns to the default behavior
(either mocking all requests or mocking the requests based on the last call to fetch.dontMock
, fetch.doMock
and fetch.dontMockIf
Calling fetch.resetMocks()
will return to the default behavior of mocking all fetches with a text response of empty
- Change the default behavior to not mock any fetches untilfetch.resetMocks()
is calledfetch.doMock(bodyOrFunction?, responseInit?)
- Reversesfetch.dontMock()
. This is the default state afterfetch.resetMocks()
- For the next fetch, do not mock then return to the default behavior for subsequent fetches. Can be chained.fetch.doMockOnce(bodyOrFunction?, responseInit?)
- For the next fetch, mock the response then return to the default behavior for subsequent fetches. Can be chained.fetch.doMockIf(urlOrPredicate, bodyOrFunction?, responseInit?):fetch
- causes all fetches to be not be mocked unless they match the given string/RegExp/predicate (i.e. "only mock 'fetch' if the request is for the given URL otherwise, use the real fetch implementation")fetch.dontMockIf(urlOrPredicate, bodyOrFunction?, responseInit?):fetch
- causes all fetches to be mocked unless they match the given string/RegExp/predicate (i.e. "don't mock 'fetch' if the request is for the given URL, otherwise mock the request")fetch.doMockOnceIf(urlOrPredicate, bodyOrFunction?, responseInit?):fetch
- causes the next fetch to be mocked if it matches the given string/RegExp/predicate. Can be chained. (i.e. "only mock 'fetch' if the next request is for the given URL otherwise, use the default behavior")fetch.dontMockOnceIf(urlOrPredicate):fetch
- causes the next fetch to be not be mocked if it matches the given string/RegExp/predicate. Can be chained. (i.e. "don't mock 'fetch' if the next request is for the given URL, otherwise use the default behavior")fetch.isMocking(input, init):boolean
- test utility function to see if the given url/request would be mocked. This is not a read only operation and any "MockOnce" will evaluate (and return to the default behavior)
For convenience, all the conditional mocking functions also accept optional parameters after the 1st parameter that call
or mockResponseOnce
respectively. This allows you to conditionally mock a response in a single call.
Conditional Mocking examples
vi.mock('fetch', async () => {
const fetchActual = globalThis.fetch;
const mocked = {};
for (const key of Object.keys(fetchActual)) {
if (typeof fetchActual[key] === 'function') {
mocked[key] = vi.fn(fetchActual[key]);
} else {
mocked[key] = fetchActual[key];
return mocked;
describe('conditional mocking', () => {
const realResponse = 'REAL FETCH RESPONSE'
const mockedDefaultResponse = 'MOCKED DEFAULT RESPONSE'
const testUrl = defaultRequestUri
let fetchSpy
beforeEach(() => {
.mockImplementation(async () =>
Promise.resolve(new Response(realResponse))
afterEach(() => {
const expectMocked = async (uri, response = mockedDefaultResponse) => {
return expect(request(uri)).resolves.toEqual(response)
const expectUnmocked = async uri => {
return expect(request(uri)).resolves.toEqual(realResponse)
describe('once', () => {
it('default', async () => {
const otherResponse = 'other response'
await expectMocked(defaultRequestUri, otherResponse)
await expectMocked()
it('dont mock once then mock twice', async () => {
const otherResponse = 'other response'
await expectUnmocked()
await expectMocked(defaultRequestUri, otherResponse)
await expectMocked()
describe('doMockIf', () => {
it("doesn't mock normally", async () => {
await expectUnmocked()
await expectUnmocked()
it('mocks when matches string', async () => {
await expectMocked()
await expectMocked()
it('mocks when matches regex', async () => {
fetch.doMockIf(new RegExp(testUrl))
await expectMocked()
await expectMocked()
it('mocks when matches predicate', async () => {
fetch.doMockIf(input => input.url === testUrl)
await expectMocked()
await expectMocked()
describe('dontMockIf', () => {
it('mocks normally', async () => {
await expectMocked()
await expectMocked()
it('doesnt mock when matches string', async () => {
await expectUnmocked()
await expectUnmocked()
it('doesnt mock when matches regex', async () => {
fetch.dontMockIf(new RegExp(testUrl))
await expectUnmocked()
await expectUnmocked()
it('doesnt mock when matches predicate', async () => {
fetch.dontMockIf(input => input.url === testUrl)
await expectUnmocked()
await expectUnmocked()
describe('doMockOnceIf (default mocked)', () => {
it("doesn't mock normally", async () => {
await expectUnmocked()
await expectMocked()
it('mocks when matches string', async () => {
await expectMocked()
await expectMocked()
it('mocks when matches regex', async () => {
fetch.doMockOnceIf(new RegExp(testUrl))
await expectMocked()
await expectMocked()
it('mocks when matches predicate', async () => {
fetch.doMockOnceIf(input => input.url === testUrl)
await expectMocked()
await expectMocked()
describe('dontMockOnceIf (default mocked)', () => {
it('mocks normally', async () => {
await expectMocked()
await expectMocked()
it('doesnt mock when matches string', async () => {
await expectUnmocked()
await expectMocked()
it('doesnt mock when matches regex', async () => {
fetch.dontMockOnceIf(new RegExp(testUrl))
await expectUnmocked()
await expectMocked()
it('doesnt mock when matches predicate', async () => {
fetch.dontMockOnceIf(input => input.url === testUrl)
await expectUnmocked()
await expectMocked()
describe('doMockOnceIf (default unmocked)', () => {
beforeEach(() => {
it("doesn't mock normally", async () => {
await expectUnmocked()
await expectUnmocked()
it('mocks when matches string', async () => {
await expectMocked()
await expectUnmocked()
it('mocks when matches regex', async () => {
fetch.doMockOnceIf(new RegExp(testUrl))
await expectMocked()
await expectUnmocked()
it('mocks when matches predicate', async () => {
fetch.doMockOnceIf(input => input.url === testUrl)
await expectMocked()
await expectUnmocked()
describe('dontMockOnceIf (default unmocked)', () => {
beforeEach(() => {
it('mocks normally', async () => {
await expectMocked()
await expectUnmocked()
it('doesnt mock when matches string', async () => {
await expectUnmocked()
await expectUnmocked()
it('doesnt mock when matches regex', async () => {
fetch.dontMockOnceIf(new RegExp(testUrl))
await expectUnmocked()
await expectUnmocked()
it('doesnt mock when matches predicate', async () => {
fetch.dontMockOnceIf(input => input.url === testUrl)
await expectUnmocked()
await expectUnmocked()
describe('dont/do mock', () => {
test('dontMock', async () => {
await expectUnmocked()
await expectUnmocked()
test('dontMockOnce', async () => {
await expectUnmocked()
await expectMocked()
test('doMock', async () => {
await expectMocked()
await expectMocked()
test('doMockOnce', async () => {
await expectMocked()
await expectUnmocked()
vi.mock('fetch', async () => {
const fetchActual = globalThis.fetch;
const mocked = {};
for (const key of Object.keys(fetchActual)) {
if (typeof fetchActual[key] === 'function') {
mocked[key] = vi.fn(fetchActual[key]);
} else {
mocked[key] = fetchActual[key];
return mocked;
const expectMocked = async (uri, response = mockedDefaultResponse) => {
return expect(request(uri)).resolves.toEqual(response);
const expectUnmocked = async (uri) => {
return expect(request(uri)).resolves.toEqual(realResponse);
describe('conditional mocking complex', () => {
const realResponse = 'REAL FETCH RESPONSE';
const mockedDefaultResponse = 'MOCKED DEFAULT RESPONSE';
const testUrl = defaultRequestUri;
let fetchSpy;
beforeEach(() => {
vi.mocked(fetch).mockImplementation(async () => Promise.resolve(new Response(realResponse)));
afterEach(() => {
describe('complex example', () => {
const alternativeUrl = 'http://bar';
const alternativeBody = 'ALTERNATIVE RESPONSE';
beforeEach(() => {
// .mockResponse(mockedDefaultResponse) // set above - here for clarity
.mockResponseOnce('1') // 1
.mockResponseOnce('2') // 2
.mockResponseOnce(async (uri) => (uri === alternativeUrl ? alternativeBody : '3')) // 3
.mockResponseOnce('4') // 4
.mockResponseOnce('5') // 5
.mockResponseOnce(async (uri) => (uri === alternativeUrl ? alternativeBody : mockedDefaultResponse)); // 6
describe('default (`doMock`)', () => {
beforeEach(() => {
// .doMock() // the default - here for clarify
test('defaultRequestUri', async () => {
await expectMocked(defaultRequestUri, '1'); // 1
await expectUnmocked(defaultRequestUri); // 2
await expectMocked(defaultRequestUri, '3'); // 3
await expectUnmocked(defaultRequestUri); // 4
// after .once('..')
await expectMocked(defaultRequestUri, '5'); // 5
await expectMocked(defaultRequestUri, mockedDefaultResponse); // 6
// default 'isMocked' (not 'Once')
await expectMocked(defaultRequestUri, mockedDefaultResponse); // 7
test('alternativeUrl', async () => {
await expectUnmocked(alternativeUrl); // 1
await expectMocked(alternativeUrl, '2'); // 2
await expectMocked(alternativeUrl, alternativeBody); // 3
await expectUnmocked(alternativeUrl); // 4
// after .once('..')
await expectMocked(alternativeUrl, '5'); // 5
await expectMocked(alternativeUrl, alternativeBody); // 6
// default 'isMocked' (not 'Once')
await expectMocked(alternativeUrl, mockedDefaultResponse); // 7
describe('dontMock', () => {
beforeEach(() => {
test('defaultRequestUri', async () => {
await expectMocked(defaultRequestUri, '1'); // 1
await expectUnmocked(defaultRequestUri); // 2
await expectMocked(defaultRequestUri, '3'); // 3
await expectUnmocked(defaultRequestUri); // 4
// after .once('..')
await expectUnmocked(defaultRequestUri); // 5
await expectUnmocked(defaultRequestUri); // 6
// default 'isMocked' (not 'Once')
await expectUnmocked(defaultRequestUri); // 7
test('alternativeUrl', async () => {
await expectUnmocked(alternativeUrl); // 1
await expectMocked(alternativeUrl, '2'); // 2
await expectMocked(alternativeUrl, alternativeBody); // 3
await expectUnmocked(alternativeUrl); // 4
// after .once('..')
await expectUnmocked(alternativeUrl); // 5
await expectUnmocked(alternativeUrl); // 6
// default 'isMocked' (not 'Once')
await expectUnmocked(alternativeUrl); // 7
describe('doMockIf(alternativeUrl)', () => {
beforeEach(() => {
test('defaultRequestUri', async () => {
await expectMocked(defaultRequestUri, '1'); // 1
await expectUnmocked(defaultRequestUri); // 2
await expectMocked(defaultRequestUri, '3'); // 3
await expectUnmocked(defaultRequestUri); // 4
// after .once('..')
await expectUnmocked(defaultRequestUri); // 5
await expectUnmocked(defaultRequestUri); // 6
// default 'isMocked' (not 'Once')
await expectUnmocked(defaultRequestUri); // 7
test('alternativeUrl', async () => {
await expectUnmocked(alternativeUrl); // 1
await expectMocked(alternativeUrl, '2'); // 2
await expectMocked(alternativeUrl, alternativeBody); // 3
await expectUnmocked(alternativeUrl); // 4
// after .once('..')
await expectMocked(alternativeUrl, '5'); // 5
await expectMocked(alternativeUrl, alternativeBody); // 6
// default 'isMocked' (not 'Once')
await expectMocked(alternativeUrl, mockedDefaultResponse); // 7
describe('dontMockIf(alternativeUrl)', () => {
beforeEach(() => {
test('defaultRequestUri', async () => {
await expectMocked(defaultRequestUri, '1'); // 1
await expectUnmocked(defaultRequestUri); // 2
await expectMocked(defaultRequestUri, '3'); // 3
await expectUnmocked(defaultRequestUri); // 4
// after .once('..')
await expectMocked(defaultRequestUri, '5'); // 5
await expectMocked(defaultRequestUri, mockedDefaultResponse); // 6
// default 'isMocked' (not 'Once')
await expectMocked(defaultRequestUri, mockedDefaultResponse); // 7
test('alternativeUrl', async () => {
await expectUnmocked(alternativeUrl); // 1
await expectMocked(alternativeUrl, '2'); // 2
await expectMocked(alternativeUrl, alternativeBody); // 3
await expectUnmocked(alternativeUrl); // 4
// after .once('..')
await expectUnmocked(alternativeUrl); // 5
await expectUnmocked(alternativeUrl); // 6
// default 'isMocked' (not 'Once')
await expectUnmocked(alternativeUrl); // 7