A translation toolkit for VitePress, made by vuejs-translations.
VitePress Translation Helper
A translation toolkit for VitePress, made by vuejs-translations.
1. CLI commands
v-translation status [<locale>] [--status-file=<file-path>]
v-translation compare <locale> [<commit>] [--status-file=<file-path>] [--path=<diff-path>]
v-translation update <locale> [<commit>] [--status-file=<file-path>]
v-translation --help
v-translation --version
locale: The target locale to check/compare/update.
commit: The target commit to compare/update. It could be a branch, a tag, or a hash. Default to 'main'.
The path to the translation status file. Default to './.vitepress/translation-status.json'.
The target files/directories to compare. You can set multiple paths if you like. Default to the whole repository.
Print this help message.
Print the version number.
v-translation status
v-translation status zh
v-translation compare zh
v-translation compare zh main
v-translation compare zh 1cf14f8
v-translation compare zh --path=docs
v-translation compare zh main --path=docs/guide --path=docs/api
v-translation update zh
v-translation update zh main
v-translation update zh 1cf14f8
2. Translation Status UI
Put the translation status UI component into your VitePress theme.
import { h } from 'vue'
import { Theme, useData } from 'vitepress'
import DefaultTheme from 'vitepress/theme'
// Import the Translation Status UI component.
import TranslationStatus from 'vitepress-translation-helper/ui/TranslationStatus.vue'
// This is the translation status file generated by `v-translation update`.
import status from '../translation-status.json'
// Optional: custom i18n labels for your locales
const i18nLabels = {
localeA: 'xxx ${date} xxx ${hash} xxx',
localeB: 'xxx ${date} xxx ${hash} xxx',
// ...
const theme: Theme = {
Layout() {
return h(DefaultTheme.Layout, null, {
// Put the Translation Status UI component into the layout.
'doc-before': () => h(TranslationStatus, { status, i18nLabels }),
export default theme
The default i18n label is:
'The translation is synced to the docs on ${date} of which the commit hash is <code>${hash}</code>.'