A Vite plugin to render files with SquirrellyJS
A Vite plugin to render files with SquirrellyJS
This plugin applies the Squirrelly renderer to the input files, which is awesome for generating a static site.
Inspired by vite-plugin-handlebars.
npm install --save-dev vite-plugin-squirrelly
Supposing you have some HTML files in ./src
, some partials in ./partials
, and a JSON file with template values in ./data.json
, your vite.config.js
could look like:
import Squirelly from 'vite-plugin-squirrelly';
import { globSync } from 'glob';
import { readFileSync } from 'fs';
export default {
root: 'src',
publicDir: '../public', // relative to Vite root
build: {
outDir: '../dist', // relative to Vite root
rollupOptions: {
// Get all HTML files in an object. The relative file paths are used as both keys and values.
// Note that these files should have a lowercase file extension that Vite understands,
// such as *.html. By default you can't use *.sqrl for the input files.
input: Object.fromEntries(globSync('src/**/*.html').map(file => [file, file]))
plugins: [
// Parse the JSON and use it as the data arg for Squirrelly.render().
data: JSON.parse(readFileSync('data.json', 'utf8')),
// The partials directory relative to the Vite root.
partialsDir: '../partials'
When you run vite build
, the HTML files will be parsed with Squirrelly and output to ./dist
Plugin Options
The object passed to the Squirrelly()
plugin can include more:
// Data for your templates as an object or a function that returns an object
// (see below for details on using a function).
data: {
siteName: 'My Website',
copyrightYear: (new Date()).getFullYear()
// Config options to apply to Squirrelly.
options: {
varName: 'x'
// The directories where partials and layouts are stored relative to the Vite root.
// Unlike the build.rollupOptions.input files in the example above, your partials
// and layouts can use either *.html or *.sqrl extensions.
partialsDir: '../partials',
layoutsDir: '../layouts',
// Filters to define in Squirrelly.
filters: {
myfilter: function(str){
// Do something...
// Helpers to define in Squirrelly.
helpers: {
myhelper: function(content, blocks, config){
// Do something...
// Optional render callback to be used when the Squirrelly async option is set to true.
renderCallback(err, templateReturn){
// Do something...
And finally, the data
item can be a function that receives the current page as an argument and returns a customized data object.
// Defined above the "export default" Vite config object:
const dataObject = JSON.parse(readFileSync('data.json', 'utf8'));
// Object passed to Squirrelly():
// Tell every page what its path is.
dataObject.relPath = relPath;
// Also format a clean path with index.html and trailing slash removed (except root slash).
dataObject.relPathClean = relPath.replace(/((?<!^)\/)?index\.(html|sqrl)$/, '');
// Do any other page-specific stuff with the data...
return dataObject;
Consult the Squirrelly docs for details about template syntax and API options. As of this writing, layouts are not well documented in Squirrelly, but you can see some examples here.