Generate jsons that index all or some files output by vite.
Indexify is a plugin for vite that is used to generate index.json files amongst your output.
These files list all or some files in the output directory or subdirectories as entries in a json array.
This is useful for telling your front end what paths are available to fetch from.
I wanted to create a simple static site generator and use some react components with remark. The components would ping the API for markdown data, then render it to the DOM. Using GitHub pages, I had no way to tell my front end what markdown files were available for it to ask for. Indexify solves that problem by giving me a single point where I can ask for information about what is available. Basically, it gives your front end a menu of options.
Indexify can help your front end find out
- What text files are in some directory on the server
- What image files are in some directory on the server
- What subdirectories are in some directory on the server
- What
<insert file type>
files are in some directory on the server
It works by waiting until vite/rollup output is finished, then reading the directory using fs.
Note I have not yet worked out how to generate the indexify bundles for the Vite live-reloading server. It will work for builds and previews, but not the live reload. I've been investigating, I need middleware function(s), but I haven't worked out how to do it. Open for PRs if anyone would like to assist.
Future Features
- Get it working on Vite dev server
- I'd like to be able to add additional information to the json entries, such as YAML front matter extracted from each file. You should be able to pass indexify a function that can take the file data as a parameter and generate additional fields for inclusion in the index entries.
Check out the example workspace for some usage.
The plugin takes an array as a parameter. If nothing is passed, by default, it will produce a file named 'index.json' for every subfolder in your output.
Each item in the array is an option for one or more index.jsons to be produced.
export default defineConfig({
plugins: [
directory: "posts",
recurse: true,
The full option is as follows:
export interface IndexifyDirectoryOptions {
/** The directory, relative to 'public', to indexify. */
directory: string;
/** The output file name. Defaults to 'index.json' */
indexFileName?: string;
/** Only filenames matching this pattern will be indexified. Defaults to all. */
include?: RegExp;
/** Filenames matching this pattern will not be indexified. Defaults to none. */
exclude?: RegExp;
/** Whether to recurse into and indexify subdirectories. They will have the same indexFileName. */
recurse?: boolean;
/* Whether to put an entry in the index for subdirectories or not. */
includeSubdirectories?: boolean;