withTailwind decorator for lit in vite
import {withTailwind} from 'vite-lit-with-tailwind';
class MyElement extends LitElement {
render() {
return html` <div class="font-bold text-red-500">...</div> `;
- Easy to install.
- Declarative customizable and easy to use decorator.
- Constructed Stylesheets Cache system.
- Dark mode System is also supported.
Behind the scene, the decorator only injects tailwind utilities into your custom element:
@tailwind utilities;
So you can use the classes in your template.
Tailwind base styles
Chances that you will want to use your own tailwind base file as the default are high.
You can use the exported method loadTailwindBaseStyles
to achieve that:
// early in your code
import {loadTailwindBaseStyles} from 'vite-lit-with-tailwind';
import tailwindBase from './tailwind.css?inline';
await loadTailwindBaseStyles(tailwindBase);
@tailwind base;
@tailwind components;
@tailwind utilities;
@layer base {
p {
@apply my-9;
/* ... */
/* ... */
@withTailwind() decorator
When used without any arguments the decorator only injects the default tailwind base styles (utilities only) or the one you specified with the method above.
You can pass your element custom styles directly in the decorator, for example
import elementStyles from './my-element-styles.css?inline';
It's also possible to use an array of styles if you have different styles to apply.
import elementStyles1 from './my-element-styles1.css?inline';
import elementStyles2 from './my-element-styles2.css?inline';
@withTailwind([elementStyles1, elementStyles2])
Finally if you want to apply a specific tailwind base style to your element you can provide it as a second argument
// ...
import tailwindBase from './tailwind-base.css?inline';
@withTailwind([elementStyles1, elementStyles2], tailwindBase)
(This will override the default tailwind base styles just for the current custom element, no globally.)
Install this package
npm add -D vite-lit-with-tailwind
Create tailwind config file
Create tailwind.config.js
at the root of your project, with this configuration file:
export default {
content: [
// change this part to match your files
theme: {
extend: {},
plugins: [],
Create postcss config file
This file only tells vite
to activate postcss (therefore tailwind).
Paste this content in postcss.config.js
at the root of your project too.
export default {
plugins: {
tailwindcss: {},
That's about all, now you can use tailwind and the decorator.
If you want to support manual dark mode, keep reading!
"Manual" Dark mode
By default tailwind uses media
dark mode, that means classes like dark:x
will only work when the user system uses dark mode. That's fine in most of cases, but sometimes you may want to give end-user the choice to select a mode ('light', 'dark', or 'system'), here's how:
First you'll need to add this line in your tailwind.config.js
darkMode: ['class', ':host(.dark)']; // for dark:x classes in Shadow DOMs
And uses the ThemeManager
utility class.
import {ThemeManager} from 'vite-lit-with-tailwind';
// Calling this method the first time will set the mode to System,
// and will use 'light'/'dark' theme depending on user system setttings.
// You can change the mode at any time
ThemeManager.mode = ThemeManager.MODES.Dark;
ThemeManager.mode = ThemeManager.MODES.Light;
ThemeManager.mode = ThemeManager.MODES.System;
// The mode is saved in the localstorage
// as to keep the state between page refresh.
// Just make sure to call `init()` early when your app loads.
When the theme changes it either adds class="light"
or class="dark"
on <html>
and on all your custom elements using the decorator.
That means, you have to write that:
In the top-level
.light {
.dark {
to apply global conditional styles.
And in your custom elements you can use dark:x
in template:
class MyElement extends LitElement {
render() {
return html` <span class="text-black dark:text-white">Hello</span> `;
And you can use these css selectors to apply global conditional styles in your element:
:host {
@apply bg-gray-100; /* default */
:host(.dark) {
@apply bg-gray-600;
(note: you can always use :host(.light)
to apply rules when class="light"
is specifically used on your element)
At the moment you can't use tailwind inside css
MIT Copyright (c) 2023 Valentin Degenne