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Vite CLI 🚧🚧
🚧🚧 Build highly customized scaffold out of the box based on vite3
0.15.1-alpha Refactor Map mapping refactoring EJS 2022.7.21 📦📦
0.15.2-alpha Refactor refactor Ejs render way 2022.7.25 🌈 🌈
0.15.5-alpha Refactoring command line architecture supports npx creation 2022.7.27 🌈 🌈
0.15.6-alpha Refactoring npx creation Success 2022.7.27 🌈 🌈
0.15.8-alpha Fix file already and some bug 2022.7.30 🌈 🌈
Big Break 0.15.9-alpha Reconstruct production dependence 2022.8.1 📦📦
Start 📦📦
- Recommended to use pnpm to install Vite CLI .
npx vite-create-app@latest
- Enter 'vite' on the command line to check whether the installation is successful
- Step1 Select the package manager that needs to be created. It is recommended to use pnpm to create projects
🎨 🎨 VITE_CLI V-0.0.9-alpha 🎨 🎨
🚀 Welcome To Create Template for Vite!
? 选择您的包管理器 (Use arrow keys)
> Pnpm
- Step2 Select the dependency to add the project
√ Add Vue Router for Single Page Application development? ... No / Yes
√ Add Pinia for state management? ... No / Yes
√ Add ESLint for code quality? ... No / Yes
√ Add Prettier for code formatting? ... No / Yes
? choose Your Device (选择目标设备) » - Use arrow-keys. Return to submit.
> PC
? choose UI frameWork (选择您的 UI 框架) » - Use arrow-keys. Return to submit.
> Element Plus
Vuetify3 Beta
Naive UI
Ant Design Vue 2.x
Vant 3.x
- Step3 Select custom import vite plugin
? Custorm Plugins (自定义你的插件) (Press <space> to select, <a> to toggle all, <i> to invert selection)
( ) @vitejs/plugin-vue-jsx 提供 Vue 3 JSX 支持
( ) @vitejs/plugin-legacy 为打包后的文件提供传统浏览器兼容性支持
( ) vite-plugin-html 构建您的index.html
( ) unplugin-vue-components 自动按需导入Vue组件
( ) unplugin-auto-import 自动引入Api
( ) Unocss 即时的按需原子 CSS 引擎
( ) vite-plugin-pwa 零配置 PWA
( ) vite-plugin-inspect 模块运行时依赖可视化
( ) rollup-plugin-visualizer 打包后包体积分析
( ) unplugin-icons 按需加载图标库
Currently, the template supports the following plugins The supported template presets are:
| FrameWork | finish | | ------------- | ------ | | Vite3 Vue3 | 🚧✅ | | Vite3 React18 | 🚧❌ | | Nuxt | 🚧❌ |
| Feature / Version | finish | UI Library | finish | | ----------------- | ------ | ------------------ | ------ | | Vue-Router 4.x | ✅ | Element-Plus | ✅ | | Pinia 2.x | ✅ | Naive-UI | ✅ | | | | Vuetify-beta5 | ✅ | | Eslint 8.x | ✅ | DevUI | ✅ | | Prettier 2.7.x | ✅ | Ant-design-vue | ✅ | | TypeScript 4.7.x | ✅ | arco-design | ✅ | | husky | 🚧❌ | TDesign | ✅ | | PWA | 🚧❌ | Varlet | ✅ | | | | tdesign-mobile-vue | 🚧❌ | | | | Vant | 🚧❌ |
| Feature / Version | finish | | ------------------------ | ---------- | | Vue | v3.2.x | | Vite | v3.0.0 | | @vitejs/plugin-vue-jsx | ✅ | | @vitejs/plugin-legacy | ✅ | | vite-plugin-inspect | ✅ | | vite-plugin-pwa | ✅ | | unplugin-vue-components | ✅ | | unplugin-auto-import | ✅ | | Unocss | ✅ | | rollup-plugin-visualizer | ✅ | | unplugin-icons | ✅ | | Vite-plugin-html | ✅ new add |
An example of executing dev after successful installation is as follows
- Naive UI
- Ant Design
- Element Plus
- Arco Design
- DevUI
- T-Design
- Vuetify
- Varlet