Start Pyroterra Lighttoys Visual Poi through USB (serial port)
Visual Poi Starter
Start Pyroterra Lighttoys Visual Poi through USB connection (serial port). This library can be used as a CLI (command line interface) or consumed by your own code.
This library uses the Node + NPM package serialport for serial port communication. It supports multiple platforms including Windows, Mac OS X, Ubuntu, Raspberry PI Linux. For platform specific installation details please refer to their README.
To install the dependencies of visual-poi-starter type in your terminal:
npm install
Usage as CLI
Inside this project folder type:
node cli
If you are missing some rights to access the serial port, you will receive something similar to: Error: Cannot open /dev/ttyACM0
Try to run it as root sudo node cli
(Linux + Mac OS) or in a root shell (Windows).
Usage in your code
var poiStarter = require('visual-poi-starter');
poiStarter.findPois(function() {
poiStarter.startSequence(1); // start sequence 1