ViSearch widget examples
Examples on how to use the ViSearch Widget SDK.
How to Run
Clone the repo and run locally with the following commands
//to install the package dependencies
npm install
//to start a local server
gulp start
It will open a local server at http://localhost:8080/
Config the Params
To view the widgets result, you need to set the configuration correctly. You can find the configuration of the widgets in '/src/js/'.
For Find Similar and Recommendation Widgets, you should set the imName to a particular im_name in your indexed image database.
var imName = "IM_NAME";
For all the widgets, you should configure the key pair and the metadata schema to be used in the display:
var vsSettings = {
accessKey: 'ACCESS_KEY',
secretKey: 'SECRET_KEY',
fl: ["im_url", "price", "title", "product_url", 'brand', "desc", "discount_price"],
limit: 15
var productDetails = {
heading: 'title',
productUrl: 'product_url',
label: 'brand',
price: "price",
discountPrice: "discount_price"
For detailed documentation on how to integrate and use the SDK, please refer to the our developer documentation: