Slide show
A library for server side generated slide show,
if JS in enabled, then the "next" and "previous" links have the default behaviour removed and switch to the next/previous slide without a full page refresh.
The improved select requires <dialog>
support (progressive enhancement)
virstellung is a function that generates html code. This code should be inserted into the <body>
returns a promise
import { virstellung } from "virstellung";
import mime from "mime"; // not included
const items = [
const mediaFolder = "media";
// must be completely safe to inserted into html
// make sure to validate or escape
// in this example the items are hardcoded so there is no problem
// fileAlone will be passed to getText (if any text is present)
const preparedSlideItems = => {
return {
label: item,
url: `./${mediaFolder}/${item}`,
file: item,
mime: mime.getType(item),
const currentSlideParam = "currentslide";
const generateHref = function (index, item) {
return `./slide-${index}.html`;
const htmlCodeForAllSlides =, i) => {
return `<!doctype html><html><head>
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width">
<link media="screen" href="./virstellung.css" rel="stylesheet">
${await virstellung({
slideItems: preparedSlideItems, // array with {label, url, mime}
currentSlide: i, // current slide
generateHref, // href used in the links for next, previous
previousLabel: undefined, // optional label string
nextLabel: undefined, // optional label string
id: undefined, // id that will be used in the html,
// for the event handlers to know which slide should go next
// (there can be multiples slides on the same page)
// only required if multiple slides are used
getText: undefined, // function used to get the text content (server side)
// may be async
// needed because there is no native html include yet
// the text should be html escaped
<script type="module" src="./virstellungAutoLaunch.js"></script>
In the HTTP server, use currentSlideParam queryParameter or the generated Href (see above) to know which html page to serve. (server side rendering)
Code that should run after the html code generated by the above function. Bundle it with rollup or similar. Import the result as text and serve it inside a <script type="module">
. This will not work if the html code generated by the above is not found.
Depends upon dom99
Alternative to virstellungAutoLaunch, does nothing by itself, exports a function stellFir
. Use it with the same id as used before for virstellung function. To improve a select import augmentSelect
Serve it to inside <link media="screen" href="./virstellung.css" rel="stylesheet">
in the <head>
. Again, your server should serve this file.
Progressive Enhancement
Multiple Image resolution
If there are multiple resolutions or formats for 1 image you may instead of using url, use a sources array, with object that have url, mime and media (breakpoints).
Make slideItems have items be like :
slideItems = [
label: `flower`,
mime: `image`,
sources: [
url: `./imgfull.jpg`,
media: `(min-width: 2000px)`,
mime: `image/jpeg`,
url: `./goodenough.jpg`,
media: `(min-width: 1000px)`,
mime: `image/jpeg`,
// last should be fallback without media
url: `./fallback.jpg`,
mime: `image/jpeg`,
displays a select with all the images, if js is enabled and virstellung.js is run with the augmentSelect function then the select is replaced with a button and a hidden input the hidden input holds the value and sends it in the form as the select would. the button is displayed and when clicked opens a dialog to chose an image. Once chosen the button display and the hidden input value are updated
const [putInsideLabel, putOutsideLabel, putOutsideForm] = selectImage(options, fileSelected=``, multiple=false);
The reason it returns 3 pieces of html code is that the slide show container has next and previous interactions that absorbs user input and messes with regular form and is probably invalid html
Empty option, how to
have an item with value set to empty string, and url point to an image that represents emptyness
Virstellung means presentation in Luxembourgish
- reveal.js