Vipassana design standards materials
Vipassana Meditation as Taught By S.N. Goenka - Design Standards
This repository contains the code for
It also provide files and packages to easily implement the design standards in your website
In the following, VDS stands for Vipassana Design Standards
Include the logo inside a website
The recommended way for using the logo is either with SVG format or directly with HTML, so it's always perfectly displayed
For this to work, you will need have the propper fonts loaded in your page, and specific css for the logo.
If you are not using our bootstrap5-theme
(see below), then you need to manually import those files :
<!-- Load fonts -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="" />
<!-- If you use vds_logo, load this specific file -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="" />
With ruby
Install the gem
gem install vipassana-design-standards
Adds helper to your application
class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
# ...
helper Vipassana::DesignStandardsHelper
# ...
Use the helpers
<!-- Logo -->
<!-- logo.css will need to be loaded, see above -->
<%= vds_logo %> <%= vds_logo(size: 10) %> <%= vds_logo(dispositon: "mobile") %>
<!-- All options -->
<%= vds_logo(locale: "fr", disposition: "default", tagline: true, size: 18, dark: false,
use_english: true) %>
Without ruby
Alls SVG codes are available at
Available dispositions
- default
- mobile
- left-one-line
- left-one-line-no-tagline
- left-two-lines
- left-two-lines-no-tagline
- centered
- centered-no-tagline
Using our bootstrap5 theme
The best way to implement the whole design is to use our custom bootstrap5-theme
containing :
- bootstrap 5 customized
- fonts styles
- logo styles
Load with the gem (recommended)
See a complete example here
<%= vds_bootstrap_theme_css_tag %> <%= vds_bootstrap_theme_js_tag %>
Load with CDN
<script src=""></script>
Install locally
first Install npm package
npm install vipassana-design-standards
yarn add vipassana-design-standards
Then include it
// application.scss
@import "vipassana-design-standards/src/stylesheets/bootstrap5-theme";
// application.js
import 'bootstrap5';
Layout structure
We have made a custom layout, with basic header and sidenav. In case you want to use it, you need to align with following page structure
<html lang="xx" class="vds-html">
<body class="vds-body">
<div class="vds-header-and-content">
<!-- Header -->
<header class="vds-header">
<div class="vds-container">
<a href class="vds-logo-link"><!-- Logo vds_logo_svg --></a>
<!-- Page -->
<div class="vds-page vds-container">
<div class="vds-sidenav">
<a href="#" class="active">Test</a>
<a href="#">Other</a>
<div class="vds-page-content">
<!-- Page content -->
<!-- Footer -->
<footer class="vds-footer">
<div class="vds-container"></div>
Custom bootstrap utilities
Some class helpers have been added to complement the bootstrap utilities
<div class="ff-normal">Normal font (Noto Sans)</div>
<div class="ff-headings">Headings font (Footlight)</div>
.fs-05-rem // font-size: .5rem
.fs-085-rem // font-size: .85rem
.fs-11-rem // font-size: 1.1rem
.fs-135-rem // font-size: 1.35rem
.fs-0X-em // font-size: .Xem
.fs-0X5-em // font-size: .X5em
.fs-1X-em // font-size: 1.Xem
.fs-1X5-em // font-size: 1.X5em
<div class="full-width-sm">
this section will take full horizontal space in mobile screen, overriding default body padding
<button class="btn-floating-sm">Floating button on the bottom of the page, only for mobile</button>
<div class="full-page-print">This section will take the whole screen when printing the page</div>
<button class="btn btn-with-icon btn-primary">
<i class="fa fa-leaf"></i>
Click me
Importing only fonts in your website
If you don't want the whole design, but just the fonts, you can do the following
<!-- Prodive 2-letters language code in html lang attribute -->
<html lang="fr">
<!-- Import fonts-->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="" />
<!-- Use the fonts where it's needed -->
body {
font-family: var(--vds-font-family);
h2 {
font-family: var(--vds-headings-font-family);
Generate all logos as PNG
Use the UI to generate all logos (uncomment corresponding button form index.html), save same in a temp directory Use to compress all logos and save save in dist/logos Rename all the files by running
for file in *.png; do mv "$file" "${file%-min.png}.png";done
create a new archive dist/