Kyber Zap Migration Widgets
Kyber Liquidity Widgets
The @kyberswap/pancake-liquidity-widgets
package is an npm package of React components used to provide subsets of the Zap Protocol functionality in a small and configurable user interface element.
Install the widgets library via npm or yarn.
yarn add @kyberswap/pancake-liquidity-widgets
npm i --save @kyberswap/pancake-liquidity-widgets
Example usage:
Property | Description | Type | Default Value
--- | --- | --- | --- |
source | To identify the dapp that integrating with liquidity widget | string |
account | Current connected wallet | string | ""
networkChainId | Current network chainId | number | Required
chainId | network of selected pool | number | Required
poolAddress | address of pool to zap | string | Required
positionId | Optional, in case “Increasing Liquidity into an existing position”, pass the position id. The position should belong to the poolAddress. Otherwise, it considers as “Adding Liquidity into a new position” | number | undefined
initTickLower | init tick lower in case add liquidity into a new position | number | undefined
initTickUpper | init tick upper in case add liquidity into a new position | number | undefined
initDepositToken | init deposit token in. Use 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE
in case it's native token | string | undefined
initAmount | init amount in | number | undefined
theme | matching with pancake theme. accept 'dark' or 'light' | string | dark
feeAddress | Wallet Address if you want to charge zap fee | string | undefined
feePcm | fee percentage in per cent mille (0.001% or 1 in 100,000). Ignored if feeAddress is empty. From 0 to 100,000 inclusively. Example: 1 for 0.001%. | number | undefined
includedSources | List of liquidty sources you want to include from your zap, separate by comma | KyberSwap Aggregator Dex Ids |
excludedSources | List of liquidty sources you want to exclude from your zap, separate by comma | KyberSwap Aggregator Dex Ids |
onDismiss | Callback function when click cancel or close widget | () => void |
onTxSubmit | Callback function when tx was submited | (txHash: string) => void |
onConnectWallet | function when user click connect wallet | () => void |