Visual FX!
Warning This library is (extremely!) work-in-progress. Use at your own risk.
Introduction 👋
is a visual effects library for react-three-fiber. It aims to be highly performant (with effects almost entirely simulated on the GPU) and easy to extend.
Status ⚠️
This library is currently under heavy development, and is most definitely not ready for any sort of production use whatsoever. If you're interested in giving it a try, you are, however, invited to play with any of the example sandboxes listed below!
Help Wanted! 🙏
If you're into visual effects and/or WebGL/Three.js development, this library could benefit from your help. There are a couple of issues and missing features that could use the help (or input) of people much more familiar with these domains than I am -- please refer to the Roadmap for details.
Examples & Demos 🎓
Hacking & Development 🏗
But if you want to give the thing a whirl and do some hacking on it, clone this repository and run:
yarn && yarn examples
Alternatively, you can launch the examples app on StackBlitz.
Questions? 💬
Find me on Twitter or the Poimandres Discord.