node automation script to notify when vaccine is available in india.
Vax Find
caution this is a cli app the instructions are easy to follow but you should have a basic understanding of executing commands on cli,dont worry i will try to make it as easy as possible.
go to
download nodejs for your pc or mac this is a js engine to execute the app.
after you had installed it run the command given below to install the app
npm i -g vaxfind
after you had successfully installed it do the following steps
open your terminal
- CMD - Windows
- search for cmd in windows search a black window will appear this is cmd.
- Terminal Mac os
- press command button and space bar at the same time and search for terminal or search however you want for terminal a black window will open that is terminal
run vaxfind in terminal
this command will launch the app and you can now use it to find available vaccine centers in your district
please only run 2 sessions at most on one pc to stay under the 100 request/5 minutes limit contact me if you want to customize it i can make it happen.
session finding request will run every 6 seconds which puts the 5 minutes requests at 50 which is still under 100 request max of per 5 minutes.
upcoming features
we have functionality to automatically book the vaccine for you when a slot is available but we are still waiting for a permission from the api provider as soon as we have it you will be able to automatically book the vaccine.
although this software is legal to run at time of publishing which is on 10th may 2021 the gov can change the user agreement at any time please check with the link given below for any use conflict as cli app.