Advanced REPL extension for vantage.js
Advanced REPL extension for vantage.js
- regenerates the context each run / REPL start
- provides a sandbox with newly created context basics (see initCtx, allows these functions to be overwritten within sandbox)
- only options.context provided objects are really linked into the app
- sports developer console inspection (just type an object, function name, whatever an press enter)
- sports developer console syntax error output with position cursor
- validates and makes the position of the faulty javascript statement
- console.log/info/warn/error are also piped to a remote connection and do net mess up the prompt
- functions get highlighted if all optional dependencies are installed
- remote vantage connections do get the results there (v1.0.1)
- KNOWN: only single line statements are computed.
- '..' and '..-' execute on the main server instance. Ventage.exec does not execute in the remote shell, and there is no this.exec (nothing i can do about)
npm install vantage-repl-sandboxed
npm install vantage
Programmatic use
// index.js
var Vantage = require('vantage')
, repl = require('vantage-repl-sandboxed')
var vantage = Vantage();
.use(repl, {context:{koa: app, mongo: mongo, socketio: socket, vantage: vantage}})
$ node app.js
node~$ js
(Banner is shown, presented below ..)
node~$ js>
node~$ js> 6 * 6
node~$ js> vantage
{ _version: '',
commands: [Object],
_queue: [Object],
_command: undefined,
ui: [Object],
_delimiter: 'node~$',
_banner: ' ... ',
client: [Object],
server: [Object],
_hooked: false,
util: [Object],
_authFn: [Object],
session: [Object],
executables: true,
firewall: [Object],
_histCache: undefined,
_histCtrCache: NaN,
_hist: [Object],
_histCtr: 0 }
node~$ js>
node~$ js> console.log('test')
node~$ js> ..
What it does
it adds a version group command, that all modules may use to add their version
node~$ version
version js JS REPL version 1.0.1
You may open the help to see its details, and possible commands
node~$ version js
* Nabil Redmann (BananaAcid)
* regenerates the context each run REPL start
* provides a sandbox with newly created context basics (see initCtx, allows these functions to be overwritten within sandbox)
* only options.context provided objects are really linked into the app
* sports developer console inspection (just type an object an press enter)
* sports developer console syntax error output with position cursor
* console.log/info/warn/error are also piped to a remote connection and do net mess up the prompt
* KNOWN: only single line statements are computed.
- version js
- js
The banner shown above, when entering the REPL
node~$ js
In REPL you can execute JS statements.
* NodeJS module "Util" is loaded.
* Set a new value on utilInspectDepth to increase inspection depth.
* -> utilInspectDepth=2;
* You can use generic return functions to output any passed arguments (cbInfo/cbError, fnInfo/fnError)
* -> doSomething.success(cbInfo('success with:')).fail(cbError('failed with:'));
* -> doSomething.success(fnInfo).fail(fnError);
* -> mongo.db.users.find({}).exec(fnInfo);
* Available objects:
* -> cbInfo:function(caption), cbError:function(caption), fnInfo:function(), fnError:function(), console:object,utilInspectDepth:number, koa:object, mongo:object, socketio:object, vantage:object
**|Use "exit" or ".." to close the REPL. Use "..-" to exit completely.