A package for vanilla UI to add functionality to the components similar toheadless javascript libraries like Radix, and Melt UI
Welcome to the Vanilla UI!
No interacivity components just the beautiful styles that you are looking for!
What is Vanilla UI?
Vanilla UI is a component library for easily adding nice look components very easily in the way that you want! You can choose from plain tailwind css, using component library that it was depreived from eg. material-tailwind, use vanilla components, or headless approach with Melt UI to add interactivity if you need javascript.
We use components and design from libraries from shacdn, preline components, and material tailwind css. We port them with just plain tailwind, so we can easily copy and paste our components into any applications you want, and then can bring your own javascript from home.
Why Vanilla UI?
This is a experiment to learn, and determine what is the for managing your tailwind styles in specifc serniois. There is a lot of debate, headless interacivity, component library, > depencitity less, etc... vanilla-ui is a libary that has all of those in one. You can download components and choose to download as a vanilla tailwind css, components , and headless > components using eg. radix, melt UI for the interactivity.