A Vue 2 Starter Boilerplate with Vue Router 3, Vuex 3, Webpack 5, Axios, Jest and More.
Tuto is the short of Tutorial and the best/easier way to start creating a SPA using the best frameworks out there!
👨🏻🏫 Basic topics
- What is Vue?
- Single-File Components
- Reactivity in Depth
- Computed Properties and Watchers
- Props
- Slots
- Vuex Store v3 - Getting Started
- Vue Router v3 - Getting Started
- Jest Unit Tests (🇪🇸)
💎 Features
- Basic login/logout state definition using Vuex Store v3.x.
- Basic Store configured using Vuex and Persist Plugin (stores/index.js).
- Basic "Home" and "Login" pages defined (src/pages/).
- Basic router configuration defined (/router.js).
- Basic GET request using Axios (Spotify Tracker API). This request needs an Authorization Bearer Token . For security purposes you can just set this token on environment files.
- Environment file example.
- Jest configuration defined.
- API Unit test included.
- Path alias defined (webpack.config.js).
- GitHub actions workflow example defined.
🏛 Project Structure
├─ .babelrc
├─ babel.config.json
├─ jest.config.js // 🃏 Unit tests configuration
├─ jsconfig.json
├─ package-lock.json
├─ package.json
├─ router.js // 🧭 Handle page routes
├─ src
│ ├─ App.vue
│ ├─ assets
│ │ ├─ css
│ │ │ └─ index.css // 🎨 Main stylesheet file
│ │ ├─ favicon.ico
│ │ ├─ logo.png
│ │ ├─ screenshots
│ │ │ └─ login.png
│ │ └─ scripts
│ │ └─ api.js // 📡 Handle api calls
│ ├─ components
│ │ ├─ MainSection.vue
│ │ └─ UserSessionLink.vue
│ ├─ index.html
│ ├─ main.js // 🪴 Application's entry point
│ └─ pages
│ ├─ Home.vue
│ ├─ Login.vue
│ └─ SpotifyTracker.vue
├─ stores
│ └─ index.js // 💾 Save general state of the app
├─ tests // 🃏 Unit tests
│ └─ unit
│ └─ spotify.spec.js
├─ vue.config.js // 🍦 Vue framework setup
└─ webpack.config.js // 📦 Bundler setup, alias and more
🚀 Install
Install it locally in your project
npm install
npm run dev
🧪 Unit tests
npm run test