A super lightweight, ultra high-performance React UI library.
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✨ Introduction
Vanilla Design
is a super lightweight, ultra high-performance React UI library. Vanilla Design Team places a great emphasis on code size and performance, drawing inspiration from the nocode philosophy, which has significantly boosted the security and maintainability of Vanilla Design
. It's like they've added an extra layer of bulletproofing and polish to their creation!
📦 Install
You only need to execute the following command to use Vanilla Design
in your React application:
npm install vanilla-design
🔨 Getting Started
Vanilla Design
is committed to offering developers a superior development experience. You can integrate Vanilla Design
with minimal effort and cost.
First, we need to import Vanilla Design
's styles at the outermost layer of the application:
import "vanilla-design/styles.css";
Next, you can joyfully make use of all the components provided by Vanilla Design:
import { div } from "vanilla-design";
import "vanilla-design/styles.css";
function App(){
return <div>Awesome Vanilla Design!</div>
What? You think this isn't "React" enough? No worries, we've got your developer habits covered. Vanilla Design
offers an alternative way to import components:
import { Div } from "vanilla-design";
import "vanilla-design/styles.css";
function App(){
return <Div>Awesome Vanilla Design!</Div>
Wow, now that's super React
Import on Demand
As a high-performance component library, on-demand loading is an absolute must. Unlike other UI libraries, Vanilla Design
has taken on-demand loading to the extreme:
CSS On-demand Importing
If your boss doesn't care about how much code you've written, you can completely skip importing styles:
import { Div } from "vanilla-design";
// import "vanilla-design/styles.css"; Simply comment out that line!
function App(){
return <Div>Awesome Vanilla Design!</Div>
Component On-demand Importing
Similarly, if you go all lowercase with Vanilla Design
, you don't even need to import anything. Your code can be simplified to:
// import { Div } from "vanilla-design"; Simply comment out that line!
// import "vanilla-design/styles.css"; Simply comment out that line!
function App(){
return <div>Awesome Vanilla Design!</div>
Isn't that pretty cool, right?
❤️ Who's Using?
Even though most companies don't openly declare it, they're secretly sipping from the Vanilla Design
well or crafting their own customized component libraries based on it. 😉:
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These companies typically pair Vanilla Design
with Vanilla JS, significantly boosting development efficiency. It's like a perfect harmony of flavors for web development! 🍦🚀
🕛 When to use it?
In many scenarios, using Vanilla Design
is a fantastic choice:
- 💡 When your boss insists on using a UI library and wants to play favorites among them.
- 💡 When your boss is code-blind and only cares about how much spaghetti code you've cooked up.
- 💡 When your colleagues are in a never-ending battle over which UI library is the best and declare the rest as garbage.
- 💡 When you see someone reinventing the wheel by creating yet another component library.
- 💡 And the list goes on...
You can also find more information about Vanilla Design
right here.