Another React binding for Valtio proxy state
Another React binding for Valtio proxy state
What it is
To use Valtio proxy state, the official method is useSnapshot
There's alternative library called use-valtio.
This library provides yet another method. It follows jotai-signal, which is inspired by @preact/signals-react.
It allows to use the proxy state in React without using hooks. We don't need to follow the rules of hooks.
How to use it
/** @jsxImportSource valtio-signal */
import { proxy } from 'valtio/vanilla';
import { $ } from 'valtio-signal';
const state = proxy({ count: 0 });
setInterval(() => {
}, 100);
const Counter = () => <div>Count: {$(state).count}</div>;
How it works
The pragma at the first line does the trick. It will transform the code with signal to the code that React can handle.
Original code
/** @jsxImportSource valtio-signal */
const Counter = () => (
Count: {$(state).count} ({Math.random()})
Pseudo transformed code
import { useEffect, useMemo, useReducer } from 'react';
import { snapshot, subscribe } from 'valtio';
const Counter = () => {
const [, rerender] = useReducer((c) => c + 1, 0);
useEffect(() => {
let lastValue;
const unsubscribe = subscribe(() => {
const nextValue = snapshot(state).count;
if (lastValue !== nextValue) {
lastValue = nextValue;
return unsubscribe;
}, []);
return (
{(useMemo(() => 'Count: '), [])}
{useMemo(() => ` (${Math.random()})`, [])}