object validation
simple way to validate object
$ npm install validatez
base usage
const creator = require('validatez');
const schema = {
name: {
type: String,
errMessage: (type, val) =>
`error occur ${type}-${val}`
age: {
type: Number,
range: [1, 100],
errMessage: 'age incorrect',
required: false,
const validator = creator.create(schema);
let data = {
name: 'atom',
validator(data); // pass
data = {
name: 'atom',
age: 200,
validator(data); // throw exception
type refer
const schema = {
address: {
type: String,
pattern: /^\w{10}$/,
address2: {
type: '&address', // & + field to refer existed schema
const validator = validate.create(schema);
let data = {
address: 'china beijing bejing',
address2: 'bejing chaoyangqu chaoyangbeilu',
validator(data); // pass
buildin types
all buildin type start with @
const schema = {
email: {
type: '@email',
const validator = validate.create(schema);
let data = {
email: '[email protected]',
validator(data); // pass
all buildin types HERE
if you need more buildin types, create ISSUE
also you can define or override buildin type
code: {
type: String,
pattern: /^\d{16}$/,
const schema = {
zcode: {
type: '@code'
validator = validate.create(schema);
data = {
zcode: '1234123412341234',
validator(data); //pass
simple define
const schema = {
email: '@email',
name: String,
const validator = validate.create(schema);
let data = {
email: '[email protected]',
name: 'sankooc',
validator(data); // pass
simple inject for control flow
if your code managed by Promise
your code will be like below
function process(data){
// next
add data validation
const schema = {
address: {
type: String,
const option = {
errorType: Promise,
const validator = validate.create(schema, option);
if your code managed by async
your code will be like below
function process(data, callback){
// next
async.waterfall([getSomeData, process],callback);
add data validation
const schema = {
address: {
type: String,
const option = {
errorType: Function,
const validator = validate.create(schema, option);
async.waterfall([getSomeData, validator, process],callback);
support string case
const schema = {
userName: {
type: String,
const option = {
field: 'snake' // snake, camel, kebab
const validator = validate.create(schema, option);
let data = {
user_name: 'atom',
validator(data); // pass
schema option
| key | type |default value| desc |
| type |string/function|String | |
| required |boolean |false | |
| errMessage|string/function|error param
| error message |
| range |array | | enable when type is Number
| pattern |regex | | enable when type is String
valiate option
| key |type |default value | desc |
|handle |string |error
| 'error'/'promise'/'callback' |
|field |string |strict
| snake/camel/kebab |