This package is used to validate user input and check many types of regexs.
This package is used to validate user input and check many types of regexs.
Run : npm i validate-utility
| Function name | Description |
| ------------- | ------------------------------ |
| validate(selector , id , callBack)
| This method is used with input attribute as used in sample code
| url(value)
| Validate URL.
| email(value)
| Validate email.
| alnum(value)
| Validate string with alpha and numeric only.
| alnumwithspace(value)
| Validate alpha and numeric string with space .
| alpha(value)
| Validate string contains alphabets .
| number(value)
| Validate string if it only contains number.
| postcode(value)
| Validate postcode or zipcode.
| mobile(value)
| Validate mobile number.
| pancard(value)
| Validate pancard number.
| DateBelow2000(value)
| Validate date before 2000.
| DateBelow2000R(value)
| Validate date after 2000.
| fullnamewithspace(value)
| Validate full name with space.
| voterID(value)
| Validate voter id.
| dl(value)
| Validate driving licence.
| passport(value)
| Validate passport.
| timeString(value)
| Validate if string is timestring.
| dateString(value)
| Validate datestring.
| hexadecimal(value)
| Validate string is hesadecimal or not.
| hexColor(value)
| Validate staring has hexcolor.
| ipv4(value)
| Validate IP in v4 format.
| ipv6(value)
| Validate IP in v6 format.
| ipV4V6(value)
| Validate IP in v4 and v6 both.
| ip(value)
| Validate only IP.
| vehiclenumber(value)
| Validate vehicle number.
| pan(value)
| Validate pan.
| minLength(value , minLength)
| This method is used to validate minLength.
| maxLength(value , maxLength)
| This method is used to validate maxLength.
| required(value)
| This method checks if field is required.
| isEmpty(value)
| This method checks if string is empty.
| minValue(value , minValue)
| This method checks minimum value for numbers.
| equalTo(value1 , value2)
| This method checks equality.
| equalTo(value1 , value2)
| This method checks equality.
| isChecked(selector)
| This methods checks if checkbox is checked.
Note : It return true if validation is successfull
Sample Code
function cb (error , id , selector) {
it prints {
status: true,
message: ""}
<input type="text"
data-vu-err-msg="this is error message"
onKeyUp={(e) => validateUtility.validate( , "tets" , cb }) }
onKeyPress={(e) => validateUtility.stopDefault(e)} // to stop keyboard event
data-vu-type="required,minLength,alpha" // type of validation required (any methid name can be used here like mobile,url,email etc
data-vu-err-msg="This is error message" // this is to print error message (it's optional')