Essa biblioteca tem como função validar as principais bandeiras de cartões de créditos usados no brasil
NPM package to validate Brazilian credit card flags, still under development. Any suggestion or improvement can contact me!
- Install the package
npm install --save validate-flag || yarn add validate-flag
- Import the package
import Validate from 'validate-flag';
Example functions
import Validate from 'validate-flag';
function usingAllFunctions(){
const generateCardNumber = Validate.generateCardNumber('Elo');
const flagType = Validate.checkOnlyTheFlag(generateCardNumber.value, /* true */);
const flagTypeWithImage = Validate.checkTheFlagAndImage(generateCardNumber.value, /* true */);
function checkOnlyTheFlag(numbers, useStandardNumbers=false){
* @params
* @numbers it can be just a string with the card number or an array with several numbers
* The number of the card passed can be passed with or without a mask
const testNumbers = [
"4576647846678213", //Elo
"5522209042604038", //MasterCard
"4929054385222820" //Visa
return Validate.checkBandeira(!useStandardNumbers ? numbers : testNumbers);
function checkTheFlagAndImage(numbers, useStandardNumbers=false){
* @params
* @numeros it can be just a string with the card number or an array with several numbers
* The number of the card passed can be passed with or without a mask
const testNumbers = [
"4576647846678213", //Elo
"5522209042604038", //MasterCard
"4929054385222820" //Visa
return Validate.checkBandeiraToImage(!useStandardNumbers ? numbers : testNumbers);
function generateCard(type){
* @params
* @type String
* @options Object
* Param type is the type of the card, with Elo || Master || Visa
const options = {
image: true,
mask: true,
fullData: true,
singleNumber: false,
* options are passed through an object
* image == true ? Returns a url corresponding to the generated card's flag
* mask == true ? Returns the card number with mask
* fullData == true ? Returns all data
* singleNumber == true ? Returns only the card number
return Validate.gerarCartao(type, options);
function checkFlagUsingRegex(number, type) {
* If you only want the flag to be validated, you can use this function,
* it will return true || false together with the flag.
* Return example:
* ------------------ ERRORS ------------------
* if the value passed does not match any regex it returns {
* error: true,
* message: "Flag not found"
* },
* if the value of the number passed is not a String {
* error: true,
* message: "Value passed incorrectly, try to pass a value of type String."
* }
* ------------------ EXPECTED RETURN ------------------
* {
* value: (number passed as a function parameter),
* mask: (number with mask),
* flag: (example flag: Elo || MasterCard || Visa),
* }
* @params
* @number String
* @type String Ex: br // others
* Direct between @type == br && @type == others
* @type == br the credit card number will only pass through the regex of the most used flags in Brazil like Visa | Link | MasterCard
* @type == others the card number will have passed through other flags such as Amex
* @type defaut value en
return Validate.checkBandeiraToRegex(number, type);
Got an error?
Get in touch with me telling me about the error, which I will resolve as soon as possible.
How can you help me?
Do you have the most updated regex ?? Send me or make a pull request!