A simple tool to validate an actual Object. Optionally it can check whether a key exists on the specified Object. Also it can check against the value of the key with a specified value.
A simple tool to validate an actual Object. Optionally it can check whether a key exists on the specified Object. Also it can check against the value of the key with a specified value.
So lets say we have an object const user = { name: 'John Doe', };
and we want to check whther the variable is an actual object
valObj(user) // returns true;
Lets say we want to also check if this particular object contains the key 'name'
valObj(user, 'name') // returns true;
Also we wnat to check that the value of the key is 'John Doe'
valObj(user, 'name', 'John Doe') // returns true;
valObj(null) // returns false;
valObj([]) // returns false;
valObj(234) // returns false;
valObj('234') // returns false;
valObj(undefined) // returns false;