build tools for vacation department web front-end group
vacation has two tools, build and server.
learn & use => wiki
vacation server now is still beta now, its goal is to be a express-like server for the front ent developers, the first step is serves for the static contents like html,css,javascript etc. and the second step is feed it a server.js file to serves for every dynamic content like a real server.
the build tools is designed for the seajs workflow. seajs is like require.js but the different specification called CMD. seajs has a brother called SPM,but the latest version of it is focus on the package manager, not the build tool, so vacation build appeared to resolve the problems, it holps to adapt different directory structure, and got some inspiration from FIS that generate a map.json file that you can get all informations of your source files in this file.
get help information
vacation -h
,vacation init -h
,vacation server -h
, vacation build -h
vacation init -c
initialize a vacation.json
file in the current-work-directory.
vacation init -cf
force to overwrite a config file if it had exists already.
vacation server start
start a server for the develope purpose and point the www
dir to the current dir.
vacation build start
the config file should be provided if you need to use this command.
vacation build tpl
transport templates.
build command have options:
-h, --help output usage information
-m, --map write the map.json file to the $cmd_cwd dir.
-c, --concat concat all modules that the $pkg module dependen-
cies. config the output file rule in the vacation.json
-t, --transport <dir> transport and output the results to the `dir` dir.
`dir` relative to the $dest dir.
-o, --optimize optimize/uglify the modules that transported
or/and concated results.
-C, --cssinline inline dependency css file content to the
concated file.
-H, --Handlebars [mode] precompile Handlebars template.
mode = 1, [NOT RECOMMAND] precompile and deal
Handlebars.compile() in modules
mode = 2, precompile but keep the Handlebars.compile
mode = 3, precompile and keep the fn, and insert a Handlebars patch
on top of the package file(transport or concat)
mode = 4, do nothing but console.log the patch
default to 2
-T, --tplonly only use tpl(.tpl|.html) even if transported
tpl(.tpl.js|.html.js) exists too.
-w, --watch [tpl only] watch and build templates